Operations - admin tasks
Tips for admin operations and maintenance tasks for Domino on Kubernetes.
Download files from the pod
Use case: Download ID files from newly created Domino server.
kubectl cp domino/alpha-domino-0:/local/notesdata/cert.id cert.id
kubectl cp domino/alpha-domino-0:/local/notesdata/server.id server-alpha.id
kubectl cp domino/alpha-domino-0:/tmp/admin.id admin.id
Note: Admin ID is created in /tmp directory.
Access OS inside the pod
Use Case: Connect to the server, stop Domino and perform compact or fixup on a local database.
# Connect to the pod
kubectl exec -it alpha-domino-0 -n domino -- bash
# Stop the Domino server
domino status
domino stop
domino status
# Perform the task
cd /local/notesdata
/opt/hcl/domino/bin/fixup names.nsf
/opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact names.nsf
# Start the Domino server
domino start
domino status
# Exit from the pod console
Expand Persistent Volume Claim
Use Case: Increase the size of Domino Data folder
kubectl patch pvc dominodata-alpha-domino-0 -n domino -p '{"spec": {"resources": {"requests": {"storage": "10Gi"}}}}'