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Adding the Engagement Center widget to a Community

Organization administrators must first add the Connections Engagement Center extension for Communities to their organization. The extension makes the Connections Engagement Center widget available so that Community owners can add it to a Community. Community owners can add the Connections Engagement Center widget to a Community in the same way they would add any other widget or app by using the Community Actions menu.

Adding the Connections Engagement Center extension for Communities to your cloud organization

Before your users can add the Community Engagement Center widget to a Community, you must first add the extension:

  1. Log in to HCL Connections Cloud with an organization administrator account.
  2. In the navigation click on Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the left navigation click Organization Extensions.
  4. You should now see the registered Apps for your organization. Click Add.
  5. Select Manually install an extension.
  6. For Service, select Communities.
  7. For Extension Point, leave Community App.
  8. Type the app Name and theDescription.
  9. Provide an Icon URL and theURL of your Connections Engagement Center domain. The URL should look like this:

  10. Add the following to the Properties:

        "defId": "Connections Engagement Center",
        "themes": "wpthemeThin wpthemeNarrow wpthemeWide wpthemeBanner",
        "modes": "view fullpage",
        "primaryWidget": "true",
        "showInPalette": "true",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "itemSet": [
                "name": "width",
                "value": "100%"
                "name": "url",
                "value": "https://apps.<yourLocale>"
                "name": "height",
                "value": "1000px"
        "uniqueInstance": "true",
        "url": "/connections/resources/web/"


    • Make sure to replace <yourLocale> with your cloud domain. For example,
    • Do not change the value of defId as shown above. The value of defId must be "Connections Engagement Center" to ensure that the Connections Mobile app displays the Connections Engagement Center widget within the Connections Mobile app on iOS and Android devices. If community owners wish to change the name of the widget itself, that action should be done when the widget is added to the Connections Community.
    • Save the configuration.

The Connections Engagement Center widget should be available in Communities after a maximum of 15 minutes.

Community owners can add the Connections Engagement Center widget to a Community in the same way they would add any other widget or app by using the Community Actions menu.

To remove the Connections Engagement Center page, click Delete Page in the Page Settings tab in the Admin panel.


You can administer the Connections Engagement Center as Page Editor if you are a Community owner, Connections administrator, or a Page Editor of this Connections Engagement Center page.

You will not leave the Community if the Connections Engagement Center navigation is linking to other Connections Engagement Center pages. If you click on such a link, the Connections Engagement Center page will directly render in this community. With the browser next and back button you can navigate through the Connections Engagement Center pages. Also, you can send this link to colleagues, and they will see the same Connections Engagement Center page.

Parent topic:Overview