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Creating a wiki

Create a wiki so your team can create and collaborate on content. Assign roles and permissions for your team so the right people can create and edit wiki pages.

To create a wiki:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Wikis and then Start a Wiki.
  2. Fill in the form fields. You can make the wiki open to everyone in your organization or only specific members or groups.
  3. Select who can access the wiki:
    • For Read access:
      • All users: Everyone can read the wiki, including people who are not logged in.
      • Wiki members only: Only people included as members can read the wiki. You need to add members for this.
    • For Edit access:
      • All logged in users: Anyone who logs in can edit the wiki.
      • Wiki editors and owners only: Only people with Editor or Owner access can edit the wiki. You need to add members and grant them the appropriate access for this.
  4. Grant specific people and groups with Owner, Editor, or Reader access, referring to the following table:

    Access level Definition
    Owner The person or group can delete, create, edit, tag, read, comment, and like pages. Owners can also tag the wiki and change the wiki description.
    Editor The person or group can create, edit, tag, read, comment, and like pages.
    Reader The person or group can read, comment, and like pages.
  5. Click Save.

Note: Access to a community wiki is managed by community owners. Community owners can grant either an Editor or Reader role to community members. For further details, see Assigning app roles for community members.

Creating a page

  1. From the navigation bar, click Wikis and select the wiki you want to work on.
  2. If there are existing pages in the wiki, select a page, then do either of the following:

    1. To create a page at the same level as the current page, click Page Actions and then Create Peer. Or just click New Page in the sidebar. The peer page will show directly under the page you created it from.
    2. To create a subpage, click Page Actions and then Create Child. The child page will be nested in the page you created it from.

      A screenshot of the options for creating a new wiki page

  3. If the wiki is empty, just click New Page.

How much space do I have?

Wiki owners and editors can check the wiki's size limit and usage by clicking the Index tab. The size limit is set by the administrator.

Parent topic: Using Connections 8.0

Related information

How do I manage wiki members and access?

Editing wiki pages

Exporting app content as a PDF