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Configuring Orient Me to support a reverse-proxy server

Configure the Orient Me service to support the reverse-proxy server used by the Customizer offering of the Component Pack for HCL Connections™.

Do you need to complete this task?

You only need to update the connections-env release with the new Customizer reverse-proxy server if you did not specify it as the value for the setting when you initially installed your connections-env.

To determine whether you need to complete this task, run the following commands:

kubectl get configmap connections-env -o yaml -n connections | grep ic-homepage-url
kubectl get configmap connections-env -o yaml -n connections | grep ic-host
kubectl get configmap connections-env -o yaml -n connections | grep orient-cnx-host

If all of the results point to either the Customizer reverse-proxy server or a load balancer that sits in front it, you can skip this task. Otherwise, complete the following procedure.

If you deployed a reverse-proxy server for Customizer and you have already deployed Orient Me, then you must configure Orient Me to work with the new reverse-proxy server. Update Orient Me configuration settings to allow users to access the home page using the reverse proxy server; otherwise tiles will not load successfully and the action center will not function.

  1. In the upgrade command, be sure to use the Customizer reverse-proxy server (or a load balancer that sits in front of it) for the setting, and use the IBM HTTP Server address that sits in front of Connections for the ic.internal setting.

  2. Restart the pods that use the updated configmap values by running the following commands:

    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=appregistry-client
    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=appregistry-service
    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=community-suggestions
    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=itm-services
    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=middleware-graphql
    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=orient-web-client
    kubectl -n connections delete pods -l app=people-migrate
  3. Check that all of the pods are running:

    kubectl -n connections get pods -o wide
  4. Verify that you can access Orient Me and that the tiles and action center display correctly.


Parent topic: Configuring the Customizer component