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Set Colorpicker colors

Customize the colors shown in the Tiny Editors colorpicker, and to keep or remove the custom color picker.

  1. Using a plain text editor, open config/config.js in the extracted Tiny Editors for HCL Connections package.

    Note: Use a plain text editor to avoid inserting invalid formatting or symbols into config.js. Do not use a rich text editor such as Microsoft Word for editing configuration files.

  2. Locate the property colors which contains the properties buttons and custom.

  3. Locate the sub-property buttons and modify the array to customize the color list configuration using the following resources:

  4. Locate the sub-property custom and set it to:

    • true to keep the custom color picker.
    • false to remove the custom color picker. Tip: If the custom property is missing the custom color picker will be kept.
  5. Continue configuring the Tiny Editors integration or continue with the installation.

Parent topic:Configuring the Tiny Editors integration