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Setting up type-ahead search

Enable type-ahead search in HCL Connections™ to suggest items in the search box based on content that is relevant to each user.

To configure type-ahead search, use the instructions that are most appropriate to your Connections deployment.

  • Managing the OpenSearch index for Connections type-ahead search
    The Connections type-ahead search feature uses an index named “quickresults” within the OpenSearch search engine. Review the following information about this index, preferably before creating the quickresults index and enabling the type-ahead search capability.
  • Set up Metrics for OpenSearch Component Pack for HCL Connections 8.0 CR3 comes with OpenSearch enabled by default – this is the only backend for Metrics starting from Connections 8.0. If you are upgrading from Connections 7.0, you need to update Metrics and switch from the Elasticsearch 7 service in your Component Pack 7 deployment, to OpenSearch for Component Pack 8 CR3.

Parent topic:Configuring additional HCL Connections applications