Backing up and restoring data for OpenSearch indices
Register the snapshot repository in the Elasticsearch 7 cluster and back up the index.
Create the snapshot:
Get a shell to the running container (es-client):
kubectl exec -ti -n connections $(kubectl get pods -n connections | grep es-client | awk '{print $1}') -- /bin/bash
Locate the current directory:
This command shows the following output:
Go to the "probe" directory, that is
Create a snapshot repository:
./ PUT /_snapshot/<REPO> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"type": "fs","settings": {"compress": true, "location": "<BACKUPPATH>"}}'
is the snapshot repository name, for examplehclcnx_es7
is the mount path of the Elasticsearch 7 backup peristent volume (/pv-connections/esbackup-7
). By default, this path is/backup
For example:
./ PUT /_snapshot/hclcnx_es7 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"type": "fs","settings": {"compress": true, "location": "/backup"}}'
Back up the Elasticsearch 7 indices.
Run the following command:
./ <REPO>
is the snapshot repository name, for examplehclcnx_es7
.The backup indices are created into a /backup directory, which you can view outside of the container at /pv-connections/esbackup-7.
The following are additional commands you can perfom:
To check all snapshots, run:
./ GET /_snapshot/<REPO>/_all?pretty
is the snapshot repository name for Elasticsearch 7, that ishclcnx_es7
.For example:
./ GET /_snapshot/hclcnx_es7/_all?pretty
The output of this command provides the snapshot name (
), UUID, and details of indices. -
To delete a snapshot, run:
./ DELETE /_snapshot/<REPO>/<SNAPSHOT>?pretty
is the snapshot repository name, for examplehclcnx_es7
is the snapshot name.
For example:
./ DELETE /_snapshot/hclcnx_es7/ snapshot20221019232050?pretty
Get the index list, which will be migrated into the new OpenSearch instance using the following commands:
Get a shell to the running container (es-client):
kubectl exec -ti -n connections $(kubectl get pods -n connections | grep es-client | awk '{print $1}') -- /bin/bash
Locate the current directory:
This command shows the following output:
Go to the "probe" directory, that is
./ GET /_cat/indices
Note: If you get any green or yellow index statuses, that is fine. If you encounter any red status, fix the Elasticsearch 7 cluster first.
Record the index names for the applications that you intend to migrate. These names will be used for the rest of the migration process.
Application Index name Number of indices Metrics icmetrics_a_YYYY_{1h | 2h}, for example icmetrics_a_2019_2h Two per calendar year of data collection Type-ahead search quickresults One
Register the snapshot repository in the OpenSearch cluster by running the following commands.
Create the snapshot.
Get a shell to the running container (opensearch-cluster-client):
kubectl exec -ti -n connections $(kubectl get pods -n connections | grep opensearch-cluster-client | awk '{print $1}') -- /bin/bash
Go to the "probe" directory, that is
Create a snapshot repository:
./ PUT /_snapshot/<REPO> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"type": "fs","settings": {"compress": true, "location": "<BACKUPPATH>"}}'
is the snapshot repository name for OpenSearch, which isos_snaps_repo
is the mount path of the OpenSearch backup peristent volume (/pv-connections/opensearchbackup
). By default, this path is/backup
For example:
./ PUT /_snapshot/os_snaps_repo -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"type": "fs","settings": {"compress": true, "location": "/backup"}}'
Verify the Snapshot repository.
To check all snapshots, run:
$./ GET /_snapshot/<REPO>/_all?pretty
is the snapshot repository name for OpenSearch, which isos_snaps_repo
.For example:
./ GET /_snapshot/os_snaps_repo/_all?pretty
This shows the following output:
{ “${REPONAME}” : { "type" : "fs", "settings" : { "compress" : "true", "location" : “${BACKUPPATH}” } } }
Verify that the existing default OpenSearch indexes are already in the OpenSearch cluster:
./ GET /_cat/indices
Note: If you do not want the default or automatically created indices or the ones that are created here, but you are planning to migrate the indices from Elasticsearch 7, then it's recommended that you delete those here (either delete all or cherry pick using the following commands).
To delete all:
./ DELETE /_all
To cherry pick:
Note: After deleting existing indices, the output shows that there are no indices. Ignore any default indices, if any, for example opendistro_security.
Copy the snapshot from the old Elasticsearch 7 cluster to the OpenSearch cluster.
Note: Commands for the following steps are not provided as different users can use different file systems, for example NFS, EFS, and so on.
Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to complete these steps.
Go to the Elasticsearch 7 backup persistent volume (/pv-connections/esbackup-7, if mounted, /mnt/pv-connections/esbackup-7 or NFS master:/ /pv-connections/esbackup-7).
Package all content in it by running the following command:
tar -cvf es7backup.tar *
Extract the package to the OpenSearch backup persistent volume (/pv-connections/opensearchbackup) location that was configured as the backup storage for the new OpenSearch cluster.
To extract, run
tar -xvf es7backup.tar
Restart the "opensearch-cluster-client" pod or pods, so the correct permissions and ownership are assigned to the snapshots and indices in the /backup directory.
Restore the Elasticsearch 7 snapshot to OpenSearch.
Close the indices first:
./ POST /_all/_close
To close only a given index, run:
./ POST /${INDEX}/_close
Closing a specific index means only that index can be restored. This is because an index needs to be closed before restoration.
After copying the snapshot to the OpenSearch cluster from step 4:
Check the snapshot:
./ GET /_snapshot/<REPO>/_all?pretty
is the snapshot repository name for OpenSearch, which isos_snaps_repo
.For example:
./ GET /_snapshot/os_snaps_repo/_all?pretty
The output of this command provides the snapshot name (
), UUID, and details of indices. -
To restore a snapshot in the repository, run:
./ POST /_snapshot/${REPO}/<SNAPSHOT>/_restore?wait_for_completion=true
For example:
./ POST /_snapshot/os_snaps_repo/<SNAPSHOT>/_restore?wait_for_completion=true
When the restoration is complete, check the status of indices:
./ GET /_cat/indices
In the output of this command, any green or yellow index statuses is fine. If you encounter any red status, fix the OpenSearch cluster.
Parent topic: Administering Component Pack for Connections