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Updating the messaging bus configuration when the connectionsAdmin user ID changes

If the connectionsAdmin alias is changed to use a different user ID than was previously configured, complete this procedure to ensure that applications can still communicate event information to the news service.

  1. In the WebSphere® Application Server administration console, select Service Integration > Buses > ConnectionsBus.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Security.

  3. Under Authorization Policy, click Users and groups in bus connector role.

  4. Select the check box next to the existing entry of type User that contains the old user ID, and then click Delete.

  5. Click New, and then follow the wizard instructions to add the new user ID defined for the connectionsAdmin alias.

  6. Click OK, save the changes, and then restart the Connections environment..

  7. From Service Integration > Buses > ConnectionsBus, click Destinations.

  8. From the list of destinations, click

  9. In the Message Points section, click Publication Points.

  10. For each entry in the list, click the name of the publication point, for example:

  11. Click the Runtime tab.

  12. Under Additional Properties, click Subscriptions.

  13. Select the check box against each subscription, so that they are all selected, and then click Delete.

  14. Repeat steps 11-14 for each publication point for the destination. There will be one publication point for each cluster in your deployment.

  15. Repeat steps 9-15 for the connections.platformCommands destination.

  16. Restart all applications.

Parent topic:Managing stored credentials

Related information

Changing references to administrative credentials