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Customizing the look and feel of HCL Connections

The Connections custom styles are a generic and simplified way of applying style customizations to Connections components. The core idea is that components expect and support properties to define their style.

Throughout this topic, you will find names such as --color-header. These names translate to CSS properties that are used throughout UI components, and which you can modify according to your preferred styling. For instance, you can adjust the colorway to match different themes and branding requiremnts. In other cases, you can resize elements or fonts. Connections provides integration points for overwriting these values in a declarative manner to adjust the look and feel of the UI.

Applying custom configuration

The custom styles use the extension type

For guidance on how CSS properties should be defined, refer to the following JSON snippet. This example contains properties that can be used to alter the makeup of the header:

    "style-customization": {
        "generic": {
            "--color-header": "red",
            "--color-navigation": "yellow",
            "--color-footer": "pink",
            "--color-itmbar": "cyan",
            "--size-itmbar-icon": "30px"
        "top-navigation": {

The example uses some of the following properties and supports others:

  • generic object expects key-value pairs that would overwrite the existing styles contained in the base Connections UI. The values for this fall into different categories:

    • color values need a valid color value, for example HEX.
    • size values need a valid size value, for example px.

      --font-size counts as a size value and is defined in rem by default.

    • font-weight values need a valid font weight, for example 400 or bold.

    • font-family values need a valid font family value, such as Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif.
  • top-navigation object relates to elements and their positioning within the header. For more information, refer to Customizing the header.

Customizing other UI components or areas

For an expanded list of all currently existing properties that you can use to customize a UI component or area, refer to the following tables.


Connections primarily uses the following font sizes, weights, and families:

// Font sizes
--font-size-xlarge      : 1.5rem;
--font-size-large       : 1rem;
--font-size-medium      : 0.875rem;
--font-size-small       : 0.75rem;
--font-size-xsmall      : 0.625rem;
--font-size-header      : 1rem;

// Font weights
--font-weight-bold      : bold; 
--font-weight-normal    : 400;

// Font Family
--font-family           : Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif; 

Which renders as the following:

Font Styles

To change font styles, refer to the following sections.

Font sizes

To change the size of the indicated text category or area, use the following properties:

Property key Default value Usage
--font-size-xlarge 1.5rem Content headlines
--font-size-large 1rem Top navigation links
--font-size-medium 0.875rem Most content
--font-size-small 0.75rem Captions and footnotes
--font-size-xsmall 0.625rem Side navigation text
--font-size-header 1rem Header area

Font weights

To change the visual weight of the indicated text category or area, use the following properties:

Property key Default value Usage
--font-weight-bold bold Header, @mentions
--font-weight-normal 400 Most content
--font-weight-header bold Header area

Font family

To change the fonts for all content, use the following properties:

Property key Default value Usage
--font-family Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif; All content

Font colors

To change the color of the indicated text category, use the following properties:

Property key Default value Usage
--color-text-primary #000000 Primary text color (all normal text)
--color-text-secondary #3D5466 Secondary text color (e.g. captions)

Main content

To customize the background colors and separators (box shadows and borders) of the indicated UI areas in the main content, use the following properties:

Property key Default value Usage
--color-base-background #FFFFFF General background
--color-main-background #FFFFFF Background of content item, for example posts
--color-main-hover-background #E6E6E6 Hover color for content items (where hover is applicable)
--color-main-box-shadow 0 0 0

This property requires the color value in RGB notation as it adds an additional alpha value for opacity.
Box shadow (border) of content items
--color-main-secondary-background #F2F2F2 Background color for content within content, for example captions
--color-main-seconday-border #E6E6E6 Border color for secondary content, for example captions


Connections uses a custom CSS-based scrollbar, which you can style with the following options:

Property key Default value Usage
--color-scrollbar #F2F2F2 Color of the general scrollbar
--color-scrollbar-thumb #8F8F8F Color of the scroll thumb or indicator
--color-scrollbar-thumb-hover #5C5C5C Hover color of the scroll thumb or indicator
Property key Default value Usage
--color-header #0D264D Background color
--color-header-text #FFFFFF Color of text in the header
--size-header-image-height 30px Height of the header logo; scales both height and width
--size-header-spacing 20px Spacing between elements within the header area

Side navigation bar

Property key Default value Usage
--color-navigation #14356A Background color
--color-navigation-selected #01539B Background color of active or selected option
--color-navigation-text #FFFFFF Text color for side navigation bar

Third-level navigation

Property key Default value Usage
--color-third-navigation #f1f1f1 Background color
--color-third-navigation-selected #d5d5d5 Background color of active or selected option
--color-third-navigation-text #000000 Text color for third-level navigation

Important To Me (ITM) Bar

Property key Default value Usage
--color-itmbar #F2F2F2 Background color
--size-itmbar-icon 48px Size of profile icons within the ITM bar
Property key Default value Usage
--color-footer #0D264D Background color
--color-footer-text #FFFFFF Text color
--color-footer-text-hover #D3D9DE Link color on hover
Property key Default value Usage
--color-search #FFFFFF Background color
--color-search-text #000000 Text color
--color-search-selected rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04) Background color on hover
Property key Default value Usage
--color-link #01539B Link color
--color-link-hover #092B51 Link color on hover


Buttons in the Connections 8.0 UI have changed from Connections 7.0, in that their design has become more focused to the role they fulfill. As such, we now differentiate between primary and secondary actions.

Primary actions are calls to action. They are important and are used to achieve a certain task on a page, for example 'Save', 'Create Topic', 'Edit', and so on.

Secondary actions are any other actions that are available to the user, but which are more or less optional or negative actions. Some examples include 'Cancel', 'Close', or 'Delete'. Secondary actions leverage different button designs depending on whether they are displayed within a normal view (as outlined buttons) or a modal or popup dialog (as text buttons).

There is also an additional state for disabled actions, which are generally available but are disabled since they do not apply to the current context or user.

Button type Button On hover When disabled
Contained button
Contained buttons are always displayed as a typical button, filled in with contrasting text. On hover, the button color changes to a darker hue (pressing state) and casts a box shadow.
Contained button Contained button on hover Disabled contained button
Outlined button
Outlined buttons are used in normal content or views. Style-wise, they have borders in the color of a normal button, but without fill. The text color is the same as the button as well. On hover, they behave the same way as a contained button.
Outlined button Outlined button on hover Disabled outlined button
Text button
Text buttons are used in modal or popup dialogs, and are more similar to links than to actual buttons. The text is displayed in the same color as the previous button types and changes on hover as well. There is no border or box shadow.
Text button Text button on hover Disabled text button

You can customize many aspects of a button's style, for example its background color in general and in specific states, like on hover or when disabled:

Property key Default value Usage
--color-button #01539B Background color
--color-button-hover #092B51 Background color on hover
--color-button-text #FFFFFF Text color
--color-button-disabled #E6E6E6 Background color for disabled buttons
--color-button-disabled-text #ADADAD Text color for disabled buttons

Notifications or snackbars

Property key Default value Usage
--color-info-message #273641 Background color
--color-info-message-text #FFFFFF Text color
--color-info-message-link #2ABDEA Link color
--color-info-message-link-hover #14A1DE Link color on hover

Administrative banner

The banner uses different styles depending on the severity levels:

Severity: Success

Property key Default value Usage
--color-admin-banner-success #E4FDED Background color
--color-admin-banner-success-text #000000 Text color

Severity: Info

Property key Default value Usage
--color-admin-banner-info #F9EEFF Background color
--color-admin-banner-info-text #000000 Text color

Severity: Warning

Property key Default value Usage
--color-admin-banner-warning #FFF6E2 Background color
--color-admin-banner-warning-text #000000 Text color

Severity: Error

Property key Default Vvalue Usage
--color-admin-banner-error #FFF2F2 Background color
--color-admin-banner-error-text #000000 Text color

For information on configuring the banner and updating its content, refer to Administering the display of a site-wide banner.


Property key Default value Usage
--color-modal-header #FFFFFF Header background color
--color-modal-header-text #000000 Header text color


Property key Default value Usage
--color-badge #C10C0D Background color
--color-badge-text #FFFFFF Text color


Property key Default value Usage
--color-chip #E6E6E6 Background color
--color-chip-text #000000 Text color
--color-chip-close #ADADAD Background color of close icon
--color-chip-close-hover #8F8F8F Background color of close icon on hover


Property key Default value Usage
--color-tab #FFFFFF Background color
--color-tab-text #3D5466 Text color
--color-tab-text-selected #01539B Text color of active or selected option
--color-tab-border-selected #0D264D Border or highlight of active or selected option


Property key Default value Usage
--color-switch-primary #6e9bc2 Active toggle background color

Parent topic: Customizing the user interface