Registering the Connections Add-in for Outlook OAuth application provider
The following steps provide information on registering the OAuth application provider for the HCL Connections Add-in for Microsoft Outlook when this add-in is deployed as part of Compoent Pack for Connections.
You need to registering the Connections Outlook Add-in OAuth application provider before you install or upgrade a Component Pack deployment that includes the Outlook Add-in.
For more on configuring OAuth applications providers for Connections, see the Configuring the HCL Connections OAuth provider section of the admin guide.
- SSH to your Deployment Manager
Navigate to
Create a file called register_oauth_for_outlook_addin and include the following content.
Substitute appropriate values for items in brackets. For example, <variable> In the following command, for example, you would replace "https://<CONNECTIONS_URL>/<CONTEXT_ROOT>/auth/callback" with something like "".
batchMode=1 execfile('') OAuthApplicationRegistrationService.addApplication("connections-outlook-desktop","HCL Connections Outlook Addin","https://<CONNECTIONS_URL>/<CONTEXT_ROOT>/auth/callback") clientSecret = OAuthApplicationRegistrationService.getApplicationById('connections-outlook-desktop').get('client_secret') print clientSecret
Save the file, and execute with:
./ -lang jython –port 8879 –username YOUR_WAS_ADMIN_USERNAME –password YOUR_WAS_ADMIN_PASSWORD -f register_oauth_for_outlook_addin
Save the secret that will be generated here, and update it in your value file that you will use with Helm install, for example
To allow a more seamless user experience, HCL Connections supports automatic authorization of trusted OAuth clients. Users will not be prompted to authorize a trusted OAuth client app the first time that it tries to access their Connections data.
Edit the connectionsProvider.xml file which can be found in the oauth20 directory beneath the IBM WebSphere® Application Server (WAS) cell configuration. For example,
Locate the parameter named
and add the app id of the Outlook add-in connections-outlook-desktop to the values list. - Recreate the OAuth provider configuration
./ -lang jython -conntype SOAP -c “print AdminTask.createOAuthProvider(’-providerName connectionsProvider -fileName /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/_profileName_/config/cells/_cellName_/oauth20/connectionsProvider.xml’)” -user <wasadmin> -password <pwd>
Parent topic:Integrating with Connections Outlook Add-in for Microsoft Outlook