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Configuring the Top Updates home page

The following changes are required to enable the Top Updates tab on the user's home page.

  1. On the WebSphere® deployment manager machine, start the wsadmin client as described in Starting the wsadmin client.

  2. Run the following command to load the HCL Connections™ configuration file:

  3. Run the following command to check out Connections configuration files:



    • working\_directory is the temporary working directory to which configuration files are copied. The files are kept in this working directory while you edit them.
    • cell\_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell that hosts the Connections application. If you do not know the cell name, display it by typing the following command in the wsadmin client: print AdminControl.getCell() For example:

    • Linux®:

    • Windows™:


    Leave the wsadmin session open.

    Important: Files must be checked back into wsadmin during the same session in which they were checked out, so it is important that you leave the session open while editing the checked-out files in the following steps.

  4. From the working\_directory that you specified in the previous step, open the LotusConnections-config.xml for editing.

  5. Make the following changes to the LotusConnections-config.xml file:

    1. Uncomment the serviceReference definition for Orient Me.

      Locate the following statement:

      <!--Uncomment the following serviceReference definition if OrientMe feature is enabled-->

      Uncomment the sloc:serviceReference section of code that follows it, replacing the string admin_replace with the appropriate values for your Connections deployment. For example:

      <!--Uncomment the following serviceReference definition if OrientMe feature is enabled-->
      <sloc:serviceReference serviceName="orient"
          <sloc:static href="http://connections_hostname" ssl_href="https://connections_hostname" />
          <sloc:interService href="https://connections_hostname" />
    2. (Optional) Enable the actioncenter property:

      Locate the following statement:

      <genericProperty name="actioncenter">disabled</genericProperty>

      and set it to enabled; for example:

      <genericProperty name="actioncenter">enabled</genericProperty>

      If the property does not exist, then create it.

  6. Save your changes to LotusConnections-config.xml.

  7. After you make changes, check the configuration files in by running the following command in the wsadmin session that you left open:

  8. Stop and then restart the servers that host the Connections applications.

Parent topic:Configuring the Orient Me component