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Enabling MongoDB Role-Based Access Control

By default, the MongoDB Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is disabled in MongoDB. Enabling RBAC allows the utilization of access control using the pre-defined roles setup for the MongoDB users. These users are created during MongoDB initialization based on the x.509 certificate for each Component Pack client. Perform the steps detailed in this section to enable RBAC.



This procedure uses "connections" as the namespace. Substitute it with your corresponding namespace if necessary.

  1. Verify that the Mongo pod is ready by running the following command:

    kubectl -n connections get pod mongo5-0
    You should see an output similar to this:

    mongo5-0   2/2     Running   0          5m
  2. Run the following command to check the sidecar log for "success" messages to verify that the users have been created.

    kubectl -n connections logs mongo5-0 -c mongo5-sidecar
    Look for the following messages in the output:
    updateUser command successfully!
    createUser command successfully!
    createUser command successfully!

  3. Edit the Mongo statefulset to add security settings by running the following command:

    kubectl -n connections edit sts mongo5
    Add the environment variables MONGO_security_authorization and MONGO_security_clusterAuthMode under the containers section for the mongodb5 container:

      - env:
        - name: MONGO_security_authorization
          value: enabled    
        - name: MONGO_security_clusterAuthMode
          value: x509
  4. Execute the following command to restart the Mongo pod:

    kubectl -n connections delete pod $(kubectl get pods -n connections| grep mongo5 | awk '{print $1}')
    You should see an output similar to this:

    pod "mongo5-0" deleted
  5. When the pod is ready, run the following command to check the MongoDB configuration file to verify the security settings:

    kubectl -n connections exec -it mongo5-0 -c mongo5 -- cat /etc/mongodb/mongod.conf.yaml
    The new settings should be found:

    security.authorization: enabled
    security.clusterAuthMode: x509