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Attribute mapping for Profiles

When the Profiles directory service is enabled, IBM® Connections relies on the Profiles database to provide user data such as user name, ID, and email.

Attribute mapping and population functions

The internal name of the Profiles database is PEOPLEDB.

Data tables

The following table shows the mapping relationships between Profiles, the Profiles directory service, Virtual Member Manager, and LDAP.

Profiles database column Profiles Directory Service Virtual Member Manager LDAP
PROF_GUID ID uniqueId UUID/GUID/UNID (defined in RFC4122)
PROF_DISPLAY_NAME Name cn/displayName cn/displayName
PROF_MAIL Mail mail/ibm-primaryEmail mail/ibm-primaryEmail
PROF_UID UID UID UID or samAccountName (in MS Active Directory uid is mapped to samAccountName)
PROF_LOGIN LOGIN Login attributes other than UID and mail LDAP login attributes other than UID and mail

The following table shows the population functions that are used in TDI scripts to populate ID into PROF_GUID.

LDAP implementations LDAP attribute type names LDAP syntax TDI scripts with functions
HCL Lotus® Domino® Server dominoUNID Directory String (in Byte String Format) {function_map_from_dominoUNID}
Novell eDirectory Server GUID Octet String (in Binary Format) {function_map_from_GUID}
Microsoft® Active Directory Server/Service objectGUID Octet String (in Binary Format) {function_map_from_objectGUID}
IBM Security Directory Server ibm-entryUUID Directory String (in Canonical Format) n/a
Sun Java™ Directory Server nsuniqueid Directory String (in Canonical Format) n/a

Parent topic:Adding source data to the Profiles database