Optional: Adjusting Security Directory Integrator (SDI) profile functions
If you prefer, you can adjust SDI profile functions (TDISOL/profiles_functions.js) to match the LDAP structure in your HCL Connections environment.
Adjust the function
to return a comma-separated string with the LDAP attributes that you want as recommended tags, such as tag1, tag2, tag3.Example 1: Fetch displayName from LDAP and extract departmentCode (the value in braces). Then split it up by separator "/" and append all subvalues to the tags array.
Example 2: Fetch workLocation(extattr.city) and append it to the tags array.
Example 3: Fetch country and append it to the tags array.
Adjust the function
to return the correct identifier that is later used to determine the "promoted" experts and communities for the following example:Fetch displayName from LDAP and extract the departmentCode (value in braces) . Then split it up by separator "/" and return the first match.
Parent topic:Post-installation tasks for Connections Touchpoint