Uninstall the Tiny Editors Integration on Linux or Unix
Running the uninstaller script will automate the removal of the Tiny Editors Integration on Linux or Unix.
Before you begin:
- Determine the host_name of the server hosting HCL Connections™.
Get user access as the HCL Connections installer or higher administrative permissions, on both:
- The host server.
- The WebSphere Application Server Console.
Determine the Connections paths (customization_path and provision_path).
Log in to the web interface of the WebSphere Application Server Console.
The default address is: https://host_name:9043/ibm/console
Expand Environment and click the WebSphere variables link.
Find the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH in the variables list and record the value which will be referred to as customization_path from this point.
Find the CONNECTIONS_PROVISION_PATH in the variables list and record the value which will be referred to as provision_path from this point.
Attention: We strongly recommend:
Setting up SSH key access to the Connections host server.
Using a local SSH agent to avoid password prompts when logging in via SSH. The following script makes numerous connections, and connection prompts for a password if SSH keys are not used.
Run the uninstall script located in the root directory of the Tiny Editors for HCL Connections package as follows:
./uninstall.sh user@host\_name customization\_path provision\_path/webresources
Note: This command will automatically backup any existing configuration it finds in
- customization_path/javascript/tiny/editors/connections
- customization_path/javascript/ephox/editors/connections
- customization_path/javascript/ephox/editlive/connections
If you do not wish for a backup to be created run the uninstall script with the optional
parameter, e.g.:
./uninstall.sh --no-backup user@host\_name customization\_path provision\_path/webresources
./uninstall.sh root@p-ce-conncr5-01 /shared_content/customization /shared_content/provision/webresources Removing Tiny Editors for HCL Connections from root@p-ce-conncr5-01 Deleting integration code... Existing configuration detected. Backing up and removing: from: /shared_content/customization/javascript/tiny/editors/connections to: /shared_content/customization/javascript/tiny/editors/tiny-editors-connections-backup-2019-08-21_14:17 Uninstall complete For the changes to take effect, please perform the required post-customization step, as described in https://help.hcltechsw.com/connections/v6/admin/customize/t_admin_common_customize_postreq.html
Follow the post-customization steps to ensure the server cache is updated.
Verify the uninstall by browsing to the edit screen for a wiki or blog to verify that the Tiny editors are not being loaded and that it has reverted to the default editor.
Note: If after performing this step Tiny Editors for HCL Connections is still available then restarting the Common enterprise application may be necessary to force a cache update.
Parent topic:Uninstalling Tiny Editors Integration