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Modify the Editor CSS

Customizing the look of HCL Connections™ using custom CSS.

  1. Using a plain text editor, open customization_path/javascript/tiny/editors/connections/config.js.

    Note: Use a plain text editor to avoid inserting invalid formatting or symbols into config.js. Do not use a rich text editor such as Microsoft Word for editing configuration files.

  2. Locate the property cssUrl such as cssUrl: dojo.moduleUrl('tiny.editors.connections', 'tiny-editors.css'), and change to the URL for the custom CSS.

    Valid values for cssUrl are either a JavaScript string with an absolute URL, or a Dojo API generated URL.

    cssUrl: dojo.moduleUrl('your-osgi-package', 'path-to-css-file-within-package'),
    cssUrl: '',
  3. Locate the property cssLite such as cssLite: dojo.moduleUrl('tiny.editors.connections', 'tiny-editors-lite.css'), and change to the URL for the custom CSS for the comment editor.

    Valid values for cssLite are either a JavaScript string with an absolute URL, or a Dojo API generated URL.

  4. When you have finished making configuration changes, follow the post-customization steps to ensure the server cache is updated.

    Note: If the configuration changes do not take affect, restart the Common enterprise application to force a cache update.

Parent topic:Modifying Tiny Editors for HCL Connections