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Configuring Connections to support Keycloak OIDC Authentication

Update HCL Connections configuration files to add the properties needed to support Keycloak OIDC authentication.

Before you begin

Update WebSphere to support Keycloak OIDC Authentication for Connections

Updating Connections configuration files

For background on how to edit the LotusConnections-config.xml file, see Common configuration properties and Changing common configuration property values.

We need to update the LotusConnections-config.xml the service-location.xsd and the opensocial-config.xml & mobile-config.xml (for Desktop Plugin & Mobile CLient)

  1. LotusConnections-config.xml Changes

    In the LotusConnections-config.xml file, update the oidc_op service with the property below:

    <sloc:serviceReference bootstrapHost="admin_replace" bootstrapPort="admin_replace" clusterName="" enabled="true" serviceName="oidc_op" ssl_enabled="true">
            <sloc:static href="http://{keycloak_server}" ssl_href="https://<IDP_HOSTNAME>"/>
            <sloc:interService href="https://{keycloak_server}"/>

    In the LotusConnections-config.xml file, add or update these generic properties as follows:

    <genericProperty name="com.hcl.connections.rte.acceptIncomingOAuthTokens">true</genericProperty>
    <genericProperty name="com.hcl.connections.rte.acceptIncomingOAuthTokensFromSubject">true</genericProperty>
    <genericProperty name="com.hcl.connections.rte.azureEnabled">true</genericProperty>
  2. opensocial-config.xml changes In the opensocial-config.xml file, update the useSSO property to true:

    <connections-ee-settings useSSO="true" preloadJS="false" preloadJSSafari="true" />
    Note: The useSSO property is similar to the properties discussed in Security token properties

  3. service-location.xsd changes Add Service entry in service-location.xsd file (If not present)

    <xsd:enumeration value="oidc_op"/>

Adding rewrite rules in web server/reverse proxy

Since some Connections login urls are not protected and intercepted by the OIDC Provider add Rewrite Rules in reverse proxy to redirect these requests to a protected url.

  1. Go to /http_server_root/HTTPServer/conf
  2. Edit the ihs-upload-rewrite.conf file, adding the following rules:

    Redirect /communities/login /communities/service/html/login
    Redirect /homepage/login /homepage/ 
    Redirect /homepage/auth/login.jsp /homepage/
    Redirect /activities/auth/login.jsp /activities
    Redirect /profiles/login /profiles/html/
    RedirectMatch /profiles/*) /profiles/html/$1
    Redirect /forums/auth/login /forums/html/my
    Redirect /blogs/login /blogs/roller-ui/myblogs/edit
    Redirect /mobileAdmin/login /mobileAdmin/console
  3. Add redirect for the OIDC discovery for the Keycloak server:

    Redirect "/auth/realms/{realm}/.well-known/openid-configuration"  

    Note: Use the value for {realm} from Step 1 of Configuring KeyCloak as an OIDC provider for Connections.

Updating the SameSite cookie attribute

Chrome and other browsers are changing to require the SameSite cookie attribute. This interferes with the CORs conversation between Keycloak and the WebSphere TAI.

On the web server or load balancer, add a rule to add SameSite=None to cookie attributes. For example, in the httpd.conf file, add this line to set the cookie SameSite attributes to None through the Header directive.

Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ "$1; SameSite=None;Secure"

Updating mobile config file for Mobile Client

1. Find <SecuritySettings> tag in mobile config and make sure it is enabled
    <SecuritySettings enabled="true">

2. Update below mentioned security settings.
    Authentication Mechanism i.e. <AuthType> should be oAuth

3. Update <OAuthAuthorizationURL/>

4. Update <OAuthTokenURL/>

5. Update <OAuthClientId/>. Provide client id as configured in keycloak for mobile/desktop client.

6. Update <OAuthScopes>
    <OAuthScopes>openid profile email</OAuthScopes>

Parent topic: Enabling Keycloak as an OIDC provider for Connections