Core error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by HCL Connections™ to identify problems with IBM® WebSphere® Portal infrastructure and HTTP Server and find solutions.
WebSphere Portal and HTTP errors
The following error messages are generated by WebSphere Portal infrastructure and HTTP Server:
Message | Cause | Solution |
EJPIC0060E: There were no profiles detected for the installed WAS and managed node selected. | There must be at least one profile on the existing managed node to continue. | Retrieve the install logs for errors and make sure at least one profile exists on the existing managed node. Then try the installer again. |
Message | Cause | Solution |
ERROR: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_init: GSK_ERROR_BAD_CERT(gsk rc = 414) | If you see a 500 error when using HTTPS over the HTTP Server to get to an application, HTTPS might not be configured correctly with the WebSphere Application Server plug-in. The WebSphere Application Server SSL certificate might not be trusted by the WebSphere Application Server plug-in configured for the HTTP Server. | If this error occurs, check both your HTTP Server and WebSphere Application Server logs to see if there is a GSK_ERROR. If the logs do not contain errors, examine the plug-in logs located in the following directory:``` |
C:\ibm\HTTPServer\Plugins\logs\webserver1\http_plugin.log | ||
``` |
To fix this error, follow the instructions in the topic, Configuring the HTTP Server for SSL.|
Parent topic:Error message reference