Add External TinyMCE Plugins
Where additional customization is required, custom plugins can be loaded into TinyMCE.
Using a plain text editor, open customization_path/javascript/tiny/editors/connections/config.js.
Note: Use a plain text editor to avoid inserting invalid formatting or symbols into config.js. Do not use a rich text editor such as Microsoft Word for editing configuration files.
Locate the property
and modify the array to customize the external plugin configuration using the following resources:- External Plugins for TinyMCE.
- Create a Plugin for TinyMCE.
- The external plugins customization syntax.
- Connections locations for selectively loading plugins.
Tip: If the external plugin array is empty (
externalPlugins: [],
), no external plugins will be loaded.
externalPlugins: [ { name: 'demo', url: '/connections/resources/web/tiny.demo/plugins/demo/plugin.min.js', on: ['wikis'] } ],
When you have finished making configuration changes, follow the post-customization steps to ensure the server cache is updated.
Note: If the configuration changes do not take affect, restart the Common enterprise application to force a cache update.
Parent topic:Modifying Tiny Editors for HCL Connections