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Tiny Editor Services configuration

The Tiny Editor Services use a configuration file called application.conf, written in Human-Optimized Config Object Notation. These settings can be overridden by JVM environment variables named with the path of the setting.

The configuration file is used to adjust settings, including:

Enabled services : The link-checking and media-embed services can be independently turned on or off.

Allowed origins : URLs for the domains loading the Tiny Editors which require access to the Tiny Editor Services (such as This is needed to allow a browser security feature called CORS to work correctly.

Proxy settings : The services can be configured to communicate with servers outside their network through a proxy server.

Security settings : The services can be configured to use custom settings for validating certificates, or for the purpose of testing the certificate validation, can be switched off.

Rules for embedding links : Endpoints can be specified for converting links using the OEmbed standard.

For a list of available settings, see: List of valid application.conf settings.

Parent topic:Common tasks, concepts and reference information

Related information

Configuring the application.conf for the Tiny Editors Services

Disable SSL certificate validation for testing

List of valid application.conf settings

Sample application.conf