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This section shows the guidance to prepare the mapping of your Operator deployment properties, so you can reuse them in your Helm deployment.


The Operator-based to Helm-based migration is a strict side-by-side migration.


Operator-based deployments are not supported from CF200 onwards.

This section outlines the needed steps to configure your new Helm-based deployment with your old Operator-based deployment configuration settings. Once you have extracted the needed data, and have shut down your Operator-based deployment, you can apply your exported data in your new Helm-based deployment. Note that you are not migrating your DX Core database as you will reuse the same database instance in your Helm-based deployment.


  • Ensure that you go through the requirements in the HCL DX 9.5 limitations and requirements topic.
  • Ensure that you have followed the preparation process in Planning your container deployment using Helm, and that you have already created your custom-values.yaml.
  • As with any migration activity, we recommend that you make backups of the data of your current environment before proceeding. See Backup and recovery procedures for more information.
  • In case of any errors after migration, you can fall back to your previous Operator-based environment. See Migration to restore Core and DAM Operator deployment for more information.
  • You must have the properties file you used with dxctl in your old Operator deployment. If you do not have the properties file, refer to the dxctl topic to extract the properties file from your existing deployment using the getProperties function.
  • Ensure to prepare any other needed infrastructure-related items (like persistent volumes, Kubernetes load balancer configuration, etc.) before proceeding with migration to Helm.

Optionally, you can perform a test deployment to make sure that all prerequisites and requirements for the Helm deployment are met. Follow the Helm installation steps and check if all the functionality of the default deployment is accessible. If you do not prefer to do an initial test, you can skip to start with the Core and DAM migration immediately.

Before migrating to Helm, you must migrate the configuration of your Operator-based deployment first. Follow this guidance to prepare the property mappings for your HCL DX 9.5 Operator-based deployment. You can reuse the values from your file in your new custom-values.yaml.

Property mappings

This section lists the mapping of the dxctl file with the custom-values.yaml.


You should only transfer settings that you have adjusted for your Operator deployment. It is not recommended to overwrite all Helm defaults with the defaults of the old Operator deployment. Only migrate settings that are relevant for you, or those that have been adjusted by you prior deploying the Operator with dxctl.

dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dx.namespace Not applicable The namespace used for the deployment. This is handed directly to Helm through the command line interface. Not applicable The deployment name. This is handed directly to Helm through the command line interface.
default.repository images.repository Defines the image repository for all container images.
dx.pullpolicy images.pullPolicy Defines the image pull policy for all container images.
<application>.image<application> Name of the container image.
<application>.tag images.tag.<application> Name of the container tag.
<application>.enabled applications.<application> Enables or disables specific applications.
dx.pod.nodeselector nodeSelector.<application> NodeSelector used for pods, can now be done per application in Helm
dx.config.authoring configuration.core.tuning.authoring Selects if the instance is tuned for authoring or not.
composer.enabled applications.contentComposer Selects if Content Composer is deployed or not.
dam.enabled applications.digitalAssetManagement Selects if Digital Asset Management is deployed or not.
persist.force-read Not applicable Read-only fallback enablement. This is always enabled in Helm.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dx.volume volumes.core.profile.volumeName The name of the volume used for the DX core profile.
dx.volume.size Size of the volume used for the DX core profile.
dx.storageclass volumes.core.profile.storageClassName StorageClass of the volume used for the DX core profile.
dx.splitlogging: false Not applicable. Defines if the log directory uses a separate volume. This is always enabled in Helm.
dx.logging.stgclass volumes.core.log.storageClassName StorageClass for the DX core logging volume.
dx.logging.size StorageClass for the DX core logging volume.
dx.tranlogging Not applicable. Defines if the transaction log directory uses a separate volume. This is always enabled in Helm.
dx.tranlogging.reclaim Not applicable. Reclaim policy for DX core transaction log volume. Determined by PV instead of Helm
dx.tranlogging.stgclass volumes.core.tranlog.storageClassName StorageClass for the DX core transaction log volume.
dx.tranlogging.size Size used for the DX core transaction log volume. volumes.remoteSearch.prsprofile.volumeName Name of the volume used for the DX Remote Search profile. volumes.remoteSearch.prsprofile.storageClassName StorageClass of the volume for the DX Remote Search profile.
dam.volume volumes.digitalAssetManagement.binaries.volumeName Name of the volume used for DAM.
dam.stgclass volumes.digitalAssetManagement.binaries.storageClassName StorageClass of the volume used for DAM.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dx.path.contextroot networking.core.contextRoot Context root used for DX.
dx.path.personalized networking.core.personalizedHome Personalized URL path for DX.
dx.path.home networking.core.home Non-personalized URL path for DX. Host name to be used instead of the load balancer host name. Not applicable. Force the use of the override host. Obsolete in Helm.
dx.config.cors / dam.config.cors networking.addon.<application>.corsOrigin CORS configuration for applications, can be configured per application in Helm.
hybrid.enabled Not applicable. Defines if hybrid is enabled or not. Helm derives this from other networking and application settings.
hybrid.url URL of the DX core instance in a hybrid deployment.
hybrid.port networking.core.port Port of the DX core instance in a hybrid deployment.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dx.minreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.core.minReplicas Minimum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
dx.maxreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.core.maxReplicas Maximum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
dx.replicas scaling.replicas.core Default number of pods when scaling is enabled.
dx.targetcpuutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.core.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU target for autoscaling.
dx.targetmemoryutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.core.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory target for autoscaling.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
api.minreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.ringApi.minReplicas Minimum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
api.maxreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.ringApi.maxReplicas Maximum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
api.targetcpuutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.ringApi.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU target for autoscaling.
api.targetmemoryutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.ringApi.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory target for autoscaling.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
composer.minreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.contentComposer.minReplicas Minimum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
composer.maxreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.contentComposer.maxReplicas Maximum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
composer.targetcpuutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.contentComposer.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU target for autoscaling.
composer.targetmemoryutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.contentComposer.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory target for autoscaling.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dam.minreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.digitalAssetManagement.minReplicas Minimum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
dam.maxreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.digitalAssetManagement.maxReplicas Maximum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
dam.targetcpuutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.digitalAssetManagement.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU target for autoscaling.
dam.targetmemoryutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.digitalAssetManagement.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory target for autoscaling.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
imgproc.minreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.imageProcessor.minReplicas Minimum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
imgproc.maxreplicas scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.imageProcessor.maxReplicas Maximum number of pods when scaling is enabled.
imgproc.targetcpuutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.imageProcessor.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU target for autoscaling.
imgproc.targetmemoryutilizationpercent scaling.horizontalPodAutoScaler.imageProcessor.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory target for autoscaling.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dx.request.cpu resources.core.requests.cpu CPU request.
dx.request.memory resources.core.requests.memory Memory request.
dx.limit.cpu resources.core.limits.cpu CPU limit.
dx.limit.memory resources.core.limits.memory Memory limit.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
api.request.cpu resources.ringApi.requests.cpu CPU request.
api.request.memory resources.ringApi.requests.memory Memory request.
api.limit.cpu resources.ringApi.limits.cpu CPU limit.
api.limit.memory resources.ringApi.limits.memory Memory limit.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
composer.request.cpu resources.contentComposer.requests.cpu CPU request.
composer.request.memory resources.contentComposer.requests.memory Memory request.
composer.limit.cpu resources.contentComposer.limits.cpu CPU limit.
composer.limit.memory resources.contentComposer.limits.memory Memory limit.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
dam.request.cpu resources.digitalAssetManagement.requests.cpu CPU request.
dam.request.memory resources.digitalAssetManagement.requests.memory Memory request.
dam.limit.cpu resources.digitalAssetManagement.limits.cpu CPU limit.
dam.limit.memory resources.digitalAssetManagement.limits.memory Memory limit.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
persist.request.cpu resources.persistence.requests.cpu CPU request.
persist.request.memory resources.persistence.requests.memory Memory request.
persist.limit.cpu resources.persistence.limits.cpu CPU limit.
persist.limit.memory resources.persistence.limits.memory Memory limit.
dxctl custom-values.yaml Description
imgproc.request.cpu resources.imageProcessor.requests.cpu CPU request.
imgproc.request.memory resources.imageProcessor.requests.memory Memory request.
imgproc.limit.cpu resources.imageProcessor.limits.cpu CPU limit.
imgproc.limit.memory resources.imageProcessor.limits.memory Memory limit.