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Migrate a stand-alone server

Use the Configuration Wizard to migrate a stand-alone server environment. Use the following information to get familiar with the information that you must provide in the wizard and the configuration procedure that it generates.

Configuration Wizard

Select Migrate to a New Version, and choose the Migrate a Stand-alone Server option.


To set up the migration, you answer questions about your wanted configuration. Some fields apply to migration configurations. Some fields are required based on your environment. The remaining fields are advanced and do not apply to most configurations.

Minimal required fields

The following table lists the fields that are unique to the migrate a stand-alone server configuration. You might be prompted for additional information about system or user IDs and passwords that you defined during the portal installation process.

Field Label Default Your Value
Target operating system Linux™  
Target portal profile name wp_profile  
Target portal profile home directory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile  
Is the target portal on the same server or a different server Same server  
Database management software Derby  
Target operating system    
WebSphere Application Server administrator wpsadmin  
WebSphere Application Server administrator password    
Portal administrator password    
What is the portal profile name wp_profile  
What is the cell name CellName  
What is the portal node name NodeName  
What is the new host name    
Target portal soap port
Note: Enter the same port number used for the source environment.
Where is the target application server installed /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer  
Where is the target portal installed /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer  
Target temporary path /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer  

Advanced fields

The following table lists the advanced fields that are unique to the migrate a stand-alone server configuration. Click Advanced on the Answer Questions page for the target system to see the advanced properties. Default values are provided for advanced fields that are required.

Field Label Default Your Value
JVM heap size 2048  

Migrate a stand-alone server option

After you answer questions and provide information about your migration, the wizard generates a custom configuration procedure.

Depending on your environment, the wizard generates a configuration process. The following steps reflect all possible steps in the configuration process. The steps do not represent a literal configuration. The steps are provided as a reference.

If you click View Step Command, you can see the task and properties that are associated with each step in the wizard.

  1. Manual Step: Install the latest fix packs

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  2. Generate the files for remote migration

    • Condition

      The target portal is on a different server than the source.

    • ConfigEngine task


  3. Manual Step: Copy the remote migration package to the source environment

    • Condition

      The target portal is on a different server than the source.

    • ConfigEngine task


  4. Create a backup of the remote source portal profile

    • Condition

      The target portal is on a different server than the source.

    • ConfigEngine task


  5. Create a backup profile of the source portal profile

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task



    If you are migrating from HCL Portal Enable or Portal Extend offerings to Portal Server or Web Content Management offerings, complete the following steps manually.
    1. Locate the backup of the source profile. For example, in the /tmp/wp_profile_bak directory.
    2. Locate the file in this directory. For example, /tmp/wp_profile_bak/PortalServer/
    3. Open the file in a text editor. Modify the value of the WPFamilyName to match your 8.5 licensed offering. For example, if you were on 8.0 Enable, and you purchased 8.5 Web Content Manager, you would modify from WPFamilyName=enable to WPFamilyName=wcm. Valid values for HCL Portal 8.5 include: server, enable, extend, wcm, and wse.
    4. Save changes to the file.

  6. Manual Step: If the backup profile is larger than 2 GB, clean up the backup profile

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  7. Create a default profile

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  8. Import backup profile

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  9. Manual Step: If you cleaned up the backup profile, restore the JCR content

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  10. Upgrade the ConfigEngine

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  11. Manual Step: Update the ports on the target environment

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  12. Manual Step: Update database settings

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  13. Validate database settings

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  14. Connect to new database copies

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  15. Manual Step: Review database schema changes

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  16. Upgrade the base portal database component

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task



  17. Manual Step: Remove check pending statuses from table spaces

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


  18. Upgrade the remaining portal databases

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task



  19. Upgrade the portal profile

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


    Version 7.0 Server Offering-only migration: Do not complete the upgrade profile step using the Configuration Wizard. Instead you must run this task manually. For more information about running this task manually, see Migration from Portal Server Offering 7.0 to Portal 8.5.


    When you run this step, the sub task that is named action-deploy-portlets-applyMIGStatic-wp.oob.full runs and completes successfully. However, the following error messages are shown. You can ignore these error messages:
    - EJPXA0161W: The web module ContactList could not be activated. Please see previous messages for reasons and possible corrective actions.
    - EJPPH0048W: The synchronization mode of all nodes in the portal cluster is not consistently set. The portlet application PA_ContactList will not be started in the Application Server. Manual synchronization is assumed for all nodes. Manually start the application after all nodes were synchronized.
    - EJPXA0067E: The following configuration data is needed to create a content-node resource: content-parentref.

  20. Apply the latest Combined Cumulative Fix updates to your system.

    • Condition


    • ConfigEngine task


To complete migration, you must perform several post-migration tasks that depend on how you use HCL Digital Experience.

  1. Review the Migration: Next steps section of the product documentation.
    • Complete the Migration: Post-migration activities that apply to how you are using HCL Digital Experience before you move on to the next step. For example, if you are using a virtual portal, then complete the virtual portal post-migration steps.
    • Start the enabling new functionality tasks only after you complete the post-migration tasks.
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