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Updating WebSphere to support OIDC Authentication for DX with Transient Users

In addition to the basic OIDC Authentication for HCL Digital Experience (DX), you can give users(transient users) who are trusted and verified by an identity provider to access DX. These trusted and verified users do not require a local and registered Portal user account. For more information, see Configuring transient users | HCL Digital Experience.

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login module uses transient user attribute values based on the username supplied by the TAI. Also, it skips group membership process, since DX treats transient users as members of a All Authenticated Portal Users group. For more information on the JAAS module, see Developing custom login modules for a system login configuration for JAAS.

This functionality allows you to write minimal custom code that can bridge components and provide DX-based applications to integrate with an OIDC OpenID Provider (OP). This configuration is for the basic login module that enables Transient Users with any inconsistent Trust Association Interceptor (TAI).

Before you begin, please ensure you have carried out the steps outlined in Updating WebSphere to support OIDC Authentication for DX.

Configuring the transient users

  1. Enable transient users:

    cd /opt/HCL/wp_profile/ConfigEngine
    ./ enable-transient-user -DWasUserId=wpsadmin -DWasPassword=wpsadmin


    After you run the enable-transient-user task, all identified users are identified with the authenticated group and do not have explicit groups.

  2. Restart the server:

    kubectl exec -it dx-deployment-core-0 bash -n dxns
    cd /opt/HCL/AppServer/bin 
    ./ WebSphere_Portal
    ./ WebSphere_Portal
  3. (Optional): Complete the following steps to create group objects for external providers to assign different access rights:

    1. In the ISC, go to Security > Global Security.

    2. Go to User account repository > Available realm definitions and select Federatedrepositories in the dropdown, click Configure.

    3. Under Related Items click Manage Repositories > transientidp in the Repository Identifier column. Click New and set the following properties:

      Name Value
      buildgroupsfor <IDP_NAME>


      <IDP_NAME> can be replaced with the list of supported Identity Providers that you want to build groups for; for example: testgroup, Group1, Keycloak. The items in the list must be separated by a space. The Identity Providers are case-sensitive and must match what you entered for the idp.providerlist and openid.servicenames parameters.

    4. Click OK and Save to save the changes in the master configuration.

  4. In the ISC navigate, go to Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers. Search for WP PumaStoreService and then click Custom properties:

    1. Set the following properties:

      Name Value
      parentDN.externalUsers o=transparent
      store.puma_default.filter.TransparentUserFilter.position -10
    2. (Optional): To customize the task for your business requirements add the following parameters :

    3. -Dtransparent.suffix Set this value to a dn suffix that is used for transient users. The suffix must NOT match your current suffixes for fully registered users. The default value is o=transparent.
    4. -Dtransparent.prefix Set this value to a prefix that is used for transient users. For example, if you want to set the RDN attribute, set this value to cn.

    5. Click OK and Save to save the changes to the master configuration.

    6. Restart the server.

  5. After completing the steps to enable transient users, follow the procedure to add the JAAS login module for bridging the WAS OIDC Relying Party to HCL DX Transient Users.

    1. The required jar for the JAAS login modules is deployed to the default path /opt/HCL/PortalServer/base/wp.auth.jaas/profile/classes/wp.auth.jaas.jar.

    2. Copy the wp.auth.jaas.jar into the class path (for example opt/HCL/lib/ext/ for traditional environments or /opt/HCL/wp_profile/classes for containerized environments).

      • Navigate to /opt/HCL/PortalServer/base/wp.auth.jaas/profile/classes/
      • cp wp.auth.jaas.jar /opt/HCL/wp_profile/classes
    3. In the ISC, go to Global security > Java Authentication and Authorization Service > System logins > WEB_INBOUND, and add the following module com.hcl.dx.auth.jaas.impl.TransientUsersLoginModule with Authentication strategy REQUIRED.

    4. Set the module order for WEB_INBOUND as follows:

      Module Class Name Module Order
      com.hcl.dx.auth.jaas.impl.TransientUsersLoginModule 1 2 3
    5. Click OK and Save to save the changes to the master configuration.

    6. Restart the server.

Testing the OIDC login flow

  1. Log out or open a private browser and navigate to https://<DX_HOSTNAME>/wps/portal.
  2. Click Log in.
    • This directs you to the IdP instance log in view.
  3. Log in with an existing IdP user and their password.
    • You are directed to DX and logged in as the correct user.

This completes your transient user OIDC setup.

What's next

Once you have updated WebSphere to support OIDC authentication for DX, you should look at the steps outlined in Adjusting the DX Login flow for OIDC.

Additional topics around JAAS Login Module