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Portal server performance tuning tool

Run the performance tuning tool on a new deployment to tune the servers. This will automate:w the application of the DX Portal specific portions of the DX Portal Tuning Guide mentioned in the preceeding section.


The performance tuning tool does not tune the database, the LDAP user registry, the web servers, or the operating system. In a clustered environment, it tunes only the cluster members. For advanced tuning, refer to the performance tuning guides.

Properties files

If necessary, modify the input properties files before you run the tune-initial-portal-performance task. All the properties files are located in the {PortalServer_root}/installer/wp.config/config/TuningTask subdirectories.


Review the HCL Digital Experience Performance Tuning Guide for information first. Before you modify the properties files, make a local copy of the PortalServer_root\installer\wp.config\config\TuningTask directory. Modify the files in the local copy. Then, add the -DTuningPropertiesDirectory=local_dir_path parameter to the tune-initial-portal-performance task.


Starting with CF02, you can add the -DAuthoringServer parameter to the tune-initial-portal-performance task. Set this parameter to either true or false. Setting this parameter to true turns off the HCL Web Content Manager (WCM) advanced cache feature and any tuning features that are specific to a WCM Subscriber server. This insures that WCM authors get an immediate view of changed content. However, it highly recommended to insure that rendering servers (e.g. non-authoring servers rendering WCM content) always use WCM advanced cache.

Stand-alone and clustered environments

Use the following syntax to run the tune-initial-portal-performance task on a stand-alone or clustered environment:

Before you run the task

Open a command prompt and change to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory.


In a clustered environment, run this task on each clustered node.

  • Linux™: ./ tune-initial-portal-performance -DWasPassword=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DTuningPropertiesDirectory=local_dir_path
  • Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat tune-initial-portal-performance -DWasPassword=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DTuningPropertiesDirectory=local_dir_path

Vertical cluster member servers

Use the following syntax to run the tune-initial-portal-performance task on vertical cluster members:

Before you run the task

Open a command prompt and change to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory.


Run this task on each vertical cluster member on each node in the cluster.

  • Linux™ : ./ tune-initial-portal-performance -DServerName=vertical_cluster_servername -DWasPassword=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DTuningPropertiesDirectory=local_dir_path
  • Windows: ConfigEngine.bat tune-initial-portal-performance -DServerName=vertical_cluster_servername -DWasPassword=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DTuningPropertiesDirectory=local_dir_path
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