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Deploy JavaScript Libraries/Dependencies as a DX Module

What You Will Learn In This Tutorial

  • Creation of a Gradle project to simplify working with shared libraries in HCL Digital Experience (DX).

Where To Get The Sample Code



See the detailed information here.

How to Bundle Dependencies as DX Modules

Bundle Dependencies as DX Modules

Follow the detailed steps here.

Quick Notes:

  • Set a unique (i.e: Reactv18r2) in DxModule/settings.gradle.
  • It is allowed to have only one sub-module and one application in DxModule/
  • The Webpack profile/config file (i.e: webpack.dxmodules.js) that will be used to build the submodule is defined in the build-dxsubmodule script in its own package.json.
  • If a group of dependencies has conflicts with another group (i.e: React v16 vs v18), you'll need to create separate sub-modules for them.
  • Take note of all the output locations and filenames of the DLL manifest, for each of the submodules defined, in the DLLPlugin portion of their DxModule/<SubModule>/webpack.<dxmodules>.js files.

Important Things to Note

Important Things To Note

Check the information here.

How To Build and Deploy DX Modules

Build and Deploy DX Modules

Follow the steps here.

Optional: How to Manually Upload the DXModule EAR File

Manual EAR File Upload

Follow the steps here.

Verify A Successful Deployment and Link a DX Module to a DX Theme

Follow the steps here.