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Upload rich media assets

Follow these steps to upload rich media assets using HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Digital Asset Management (DAM).

  1. From the HCL Digital Experience 9.5 DAM user interface, click Upload. This allows you to view or search, select, and upload rich media assets, such as images and videos from your source repository, to be stored in HCL DAM.

    Upload button from the HCL DAM interface


    • You can drag and drop rich media assets from your source or local repository to the HCL DAM user interface to upload selected rich media assets.
    • Once the Kaltura plugin is configured and enabled, automatic synchronization of videos happen in the background whenever a video is successfully uploaded.

      • Videos uploaded to HCL DAM are automatically synchronized.
      • Videos with the SYNCED status generates the thumbnail from Kaltura and displays the preview in HCL Digital Asset Management. Videos with other statuses will not have the preview thumbnail available.

      See the Configure DAM - Kaltura integration topic for details.

  2. After selecting the rich media assets for upload, you are prompted to either add the selected assets to an existing collection or create a collection.

  3. Click Create Collection to add selected rich media assets to a new collection. Enter the Collection Name and Collection Description as applicable.

    Create or assign rich media assets to a Collection

  4. Click Upload.

  5. The HCL DAM user interface shows an upload progress bar. When completed, it shows a success message. Click View Details to see information about the media asset uploaded, including file size and media type.

    Upload completed with details viewed


    • If the Kaltura plugin is configured and enabled, the media tile shows the following sync statuses for uploaded videos:

    • The interface displays features that allows you to edit media asset metadata (such as Title and Description) and user access control (Access) of the new or existing collection the rich media asset is uploaded to. See the Manage collections topic for details.