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Web content substitution variables

HCL Web Content Manager uses several substitution variables that are defined in the configuration for IBM WebSphere Application Server.

If you need to modify these variables, use the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console for the application server. If you are working with a managed cell or cluster, use the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console for the deployment manager.

Variable Description
WCM_CONTEXT_ROOT The context root for the enterprise application for Web Content Manager.Example: wps/wcm
Example: lotus/wcm
WCM_HOST The fully qualified host name of the server.
WCM_ILWWCM_HOME This variable is the directory where the Web Content Manager application is installed.
WCM_PORT The port number that is used to access the portal.
Example: 10038
WCM_SCHEMA The database schema name of the JCR domain that is configured for use with HCL Digital Experience.
Example: jcr
WCM_SEARCHSEED_CONTEXT_ROOT The context root for the Search Seed portlet.
Example: wps/wcmsearchseed
WCM_WEB_APP_HOME The directory path where the ilwwcm.war file is located.
Example: [AppServer\_root](../reference/\_name/wcm.ear/ilwwcm.war
Example: [AppServer\_root](../reference/
WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT The context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path is reserved for the portal.
Example: wps
WCM_WPS_DEFAULT_HOME The default portal page. This page is the page for users who are not logged in.
Example: portal
WCM_WPS_PERSONALIZED_HOME The portal page for users who are already logged in to the portal. This page cannot be accessed by anonymous users.
Example: myportal
WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT_SLASH The context root or base URI for the portal, including a trailing slash.
Example 1: wps/
Example 2: Empty context root