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Create the user profiler rule

Use the Personalization Editor to create a profiler rule for users who qualify as customers for Gold Offers in the Personalized Offers resource collection.

Before you begin this procedure, ensure that you have modified the resource collection properties to specify the Translator Class.

In the Personalization Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Within the Pers Offers folder, click New > Rule.

  2. Enter the following values:

    1. In the New Rule field, type Pers Offers User Profiler.

    2. Select Profiler in the Rule Type menu.

  3. Click Profile, type Gold in the Profile field, and click Submit.

  4. Click attribute and select Per_Offers_User in the drop down, then Customertype in the expanded drop down.

  5. Click the greater than symbol, >, next to value and select Gold in the drop down list.

  6. Click add Profile to add another conditional expression to the profiler rule.

  7. Complete the profiler rule by adding profiles that define distinct sets of users. Each profile expresses the conditions of the user type as illustrated in the following example.


    Select No value for the Otherwise field.

  8. Click Save.

You can now create some additional advanced rules for your personalized portlet.