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Site Manager

The Site Manager provides access to common content authoring tools and shows a complete view of the the site’s navigation. Without leaving the context of the website, content authors can access a customization shelf that contains applications and content that can be added to the page, as well as access to configuration options. The same interface provides access to workflow and project capabilities.

If you want to author web content with the Site Manager, you must add a page component that uses web content or add the Web Content Viewer portlet with the site toolbar. For more information, see Adding reusable page components to your page and Displaying Content with Web Content Viewers.

The Site Manager has the following editing options:

  • Using the site toolbar
  • In-place editing
  • Inline editing
  • Editing using the web content viewer

These options are further discussed in this section.

Site toolbar

The following image shows you the different parts of the site toolbar.

Site toolbar

  1. Use this toggle to open and close the site toolbar. By default, the toolbar provides access to page components and applications to add to your page. After clicking this icon, the following items are displayed:

    1. Click this Add page components and applications icon to add page components and applications.

    2. The Site Manager shows a comprehensive view of a website's hierarchy and navigation. To view a page in your website, click the name of that page in the hierarchy. The page loads in the page view frame.

      In the Site Manager, you can:

      • Show content items in the tree view.
      • Show hidden pages in the tree view.
      • Expand the tree view.
      • Collapse the tree view.
      • For every item on the tree, you can click the Context menu icon to open the Context menu. This menu shows you more available actions for your selected page.
    3. You can control the size of the side toolbar. Hover on this border and a double headed arrow icon appears. Click and drag to your desired size. When you create a new page, the secondary panel that appears where you enter the page details is also resizable.

    For more information, see Adding reusable page components to your page.

  2. Click this icon to open the Project menu. In a project, you can group content and page edits together to make managing and publishing related changes easier. From the Projects menu, you can create a new project or manage existing projects. For more information, see Projects: Organizing and coordinating changes to your site.

  3. Toggle this switch to go on or off Edit mode. Edit mode must be on to edit pages and content items in the website. When you turn on Edit mode, the site toolbar and Site Manager open automatically.

For more information, see Site toolbar and site manager and Preparing the site toolbar.

In-place editing

In-place editing enables users with edit access to a content item to edit that item directly on the web page. This feature is called What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editing, allowing any user to contribute with web content. In the example below, the Headline-Text box becomes editable when you select it.

In-place editing sample

In-place editing is available in two modes:

  • embed - enables embedded editing of an element
  • dialog - enables editing in a pop-up dialog

Developers can choose which mode to use. To set the in-place editing mode, see Default in-place editing mode.

The in-place editing feature requires:

  • HCL Portal version or later, or Web Content Manager version or later.
  • A theme that supports Dojo. The themes that are included with HCL Portal are enabled for Dojo.

    If you create a custom theme, in addition to supporting Dojo, the new theme must reference the wcm_inplaceEdit theme module. For information about creating themes that support Dojo, see Dojo Toolkit.

  • When using in-place editing with page components, users must have Editor access to the Portal Site library.


This feature can be enabled or disabled by enabling or disabling the content targeting feature and application objects. For more information, see Installing content targeting features and application objects.


When a user tabs between in-place editing enabled fields, users need to click each field in turn to access in-place editing for each field.

Inline editing

Inline editing enables users with edit access to work with a content item. They can create, read, edit, approve, reject, and delete content. Unlike in-place editing where users can edit individual content properties and elements, inline editing allows users to have actions to create, approve, and edit content with a content dialog form containing properties and elements. This content form can be customized to show the right information in the right format. For more information, see Defining form properties and Defining display settings of fields and elements. The following image shows an example of a content form.

Inline editing sample

Inline editing can be enabled using authoring tool components so that users can manage the content item without accessing the authoring portlet. For more information about authoring tools, see Create an Authoring tools element and What is an Authoring tools element?.

Web content viewer

On the upper right corner of a page, you can find the Content menu and Portlet menu buttons:

Content and Portlet menu

Editing content using the Content menu

Click the Content menu icon to display the following actions:

  • Configure Spot - Allows you to select the type of content to display in a web content viewer. For more information, see Configure your content spot.
  • Open Read Form - Opens a read-only form of the selected page's properties.
  • Open Edit Form - Opens an editable form where you can modify the selected page's properties.
  • Delete - Deletes the page.

For more information about the Content menu, see Moving, copying, and pasting pages and content items.

Configuring your website using the Portlet menu

Click the Portlet menu icon to show the following actions:

  • Edit Shared Settings - Opens the Web Content Viewer where you can manage the page's properties, portlet settings, and several advanced options such as adding or receiving links and adding plug-ins.
  • Maximize - Maximizes the page.
  • Minimize - Minimizes the page.
  • Help - Opens a new window containing a help topic.
  • Site Promotions - Allows you to manage site promotions. For more information on site promotions for developers, see Site promotions.
  • Analytics Tags - Allows you to manage analytics tags. For more information on analytics tags for developers, see Analytics tags.
  • Delete - Deletes the page.
  • Hide - Hides the page.

Refer to the following pages for more information:

HCLSoftware U learning materials

For an introduction and a demo on how to use the Site Manager, go to Site Manager. To try it out yourself, refer to Site Manager Lab and corresponding Site Manager Lab Resources.

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