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Properties File:

HCL Portal URLs

Define the URL that is used to access your portal site.

  • WpsDefaultHome

    • Description The first page that site visitors see before they log in to the site. Valid characters are alphabetic and numeric including underscore and dash. The value entered must be different than the Personalized Home value. If portal is the default home, the following is an example of the URL for the site: http://localhost:10039/wps/portal

      In this example:

      • localhost is the portal host name (WpsHostName)
      • 10039 is the host port (WpsHostPort)
      • wps is the context root (WpsContextRoot).
    • Default value


    • Examples

      : portal

  • WpsPersonalizedHome

    • Description

      The page that site visitors see after they log in to the site. Valid characters are alphabetic and numeric including underscore and dash.The value entered must be different than the Default Home value. If myportal is the personalized home, then the following is an example URL for the site: http://localhost:10039/wps/myportal

      In this example:

      • localhost is the portal host name (WpsHostName)
      • 10039 is the host port (WpsHostPort)
      • wps is the context root (WpsContextRoot).
    • Default value


    • Examples

      : myportal

Properties for HCL Portal integration with IBM Process Server

The following properties are used to configure integration with WebSphere Process Server. You must provide information about the already installed WebSphere Process Server.

  • pi.IsCrossCell

    • Description
    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.ProcessServerHostAddress

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to true. The server host name address of the WebSphere Process Server installation located in another cell.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.ProcessServerBootstrapPort

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to true. The bootstrap port of the WebSphere Process Server installation located in another cell.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.ProcessArtifactsLocation

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to true. The directory in which the process artifacts are located.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.IsWPSCluster

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to false.

    • Valid values



    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.ClusterName

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to false AND pi.IsWPSCluster value is set to true. The name of the WebSphere Process Server cluster.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.NodeName

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to false AND pi.IsWPSCluster value is set to false. The name of the node of the WebSphere Process Server server.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • pi.ServerName

    • Description

      This property is used only if the pi.IsCrossCell value is set to false AND pi.IsWPSCluster value is set to false. This value is the name of the WebSphere Process Server server.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

XMLAccess properties

The following properties are specific to XMLAccess.

  • XmlAccessHost

    • Description

      The local host name of HCL Portal. You do not need to modify this value.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • XmlAccessPort

    • Description

      The port used by XML Access configuration tasks to connect to the XMLAccess server Do not use this parameter to reconfigure the XmlAccessPort port. The value is set by the basic HCL Portal configuration task.

    • Default value


    • Examples


  • XmlAccessProtocol

    • Description

      The protocol used to connect to the XMLAccess server.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Advanced Security Configuration using External Security Managers

The following parameters are used for advanced security configuration using external security managers. Use the properties to specify namespace management parameters that are common to TAM and SiteMinder


    • Description

      (Optional) You can set different "contexts" to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. This context information will be added to the namespace entry created upon role externalization. If any of the three context values (EACserverName, EACcellName, or EACappName) are null, none will be used.

    • Default value

      HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager

    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      One of the three context values used to set a different context to further distinguish the externalized role name

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      One of the three context values used to set a different context to further distinguish the externalized role name

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      Allows you to either have your externalized Portal rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples











Tivoli Access Manager: AMJRTE connection parameters

Provide authentication information to enable WebSphere Portal to connect with TAM.


    • Description

      An administrative user ID for Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) that has access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value is the password for the administrative TAM user ID.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. This properties file is created by the TAM SvrSslCfg command and contains information such as: Policy Server host name, ports version of AMJRTE path to encryption keys.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Tivoli Access Manager: PDJrteCfg command and filesystem parameters

The following parameter locations depend on your WebSphere Application Server installation structure. For more information or detail on the individual parameters, refer to:


    • Description

      The location of the TAM PD.jar file, which contains the classes required to establish a connection to the policy server and is passed into the classpath of the command.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value is the location of the TAM AMJRTE, which is the same as the pd.home system property in a manual execution.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the location of the Java runtime in which to configure, which is the same as the -java_home command line argument in a manual execution.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the required filesystem directory location of the generated TAM AMJRTE properties. The properties files are created by the TAM PdjrteCfg command, which is the same as the -cfgfiles_path command line argument in a manual execution.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value defines the TAM Policy Server used when running PDJrteCfg.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Tivoli Access Manager: SvrSslCfg command parameters

HCL Portal requires the following information to run the SvrSslCfg command


    • Description

      The unique application name and will be used to create a new Tivoli server in the Access Manager Policy Server. This server will appear in the pdadmin server list after running the SvrSslCfg command. If a server with the same name appears in the server list command, the SvrSslCfg command will fail.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value is the configuration port for the application name. This parameter is currently ignored by the SvrSslCfg command.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value is the configuration mode of the SvrSslCfg command. Currently, the only valid value is remote.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value defines host name, port, and priority combinations for your TAM Policy servers used when running SvrSslCfg.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value defines host name, port, and priority combination for your TAM authorization servers.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value is the file used to store encryption keys used for the SSL communication between AMJRTE and Tivoli Access manager. This file is generated as a result of the SvrSslCfg command.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Tivoli Access Manager: WebSphere Application Server WebSEAL TAI parameters

HCL Portal uses the following information for WebSEAL.


    • Description

      (Optional) This value sets the WebSEAL TAI's hostnames parameter. You should include the host name you provided when configuring the WebSEAL instance. The default behavior when configuring a WebSEAL instance is to use the network short name. For example, may be represented as hosta. When the WebSEAL instance is configured and if any additional proxies are included, their host names must be added as well. Presence of this parameter will cause the TAI to evaluate the VIA header and only handle those requests that contain one of the provided host name, and port combinations. This value is case-sensitive and may be a comma-delimited list if more than one host name is provided

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples



    • Description

      (Optional) This value sets the WebSEAL TAI's ports parameter. You should include the WebSEAL ports in this comma-delimited list. The default WebSEAL port is 443. Presence of this parameter will cause the TAI to evaluate the VIA header and only handle those requests that contain one of the provided host name and port combinations.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples



    • Description

      When you create a TCP junction, this value is WebSEAL identity representing the reverse proxy on every request. WebSphere Application Server will use this identity to establish the "trust" that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers. The password for this user should be set in the WebSEAL instance's webseald.conf on the basicauth-dummy-passwd property.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value is the headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. Inclusion of these headers is associated with the headers used by the WebSphere Application Server TAI to identify the request as one from WebSEAL. If you are configuring Portal to use TAM as an external authorization engine, you must include at least the iv-user and iv-creds headers.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      You can configure TAI so that the VIA header can be ignored when validating trust for a request. Set this property to false if none of the hosts in the VIA header need to be evaluated. When this value is false, you do not need to set the and properties. The only mandatory property to set when this value is false is

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is a positive integer that specifies the number of source hosts in the VIA header to check for trust. By default, every host in the VIA header is checked, and if any host is not trusted, trust cannot be established. The VIA depth property is used when only some of the hosts in the VIA header have to be trusted. The setting indicates the number of hosts that are required to be trusted.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      After trust is established for a request, the single sign-on user password is cached, eliminating the need to have the TAI re-authenticate the single sign-on user with Tivoli Access Manager for every request. You can modify the cache timeout period by setting the single sign-on password expiry property to the required time in seconds. If the password expiry property is set to 0, the cached password never expires.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This property can be used to tell the TAI to ignore proxies as trusted hosts. If set to true the comments field of the hosts entry in the VIA header is checked to determine if a host is a proxy. Remember that not all proxies insert comments in the via header indicating that they are proxies. If the checkViaHeader property is set to false, then the ignoreProxy property has no influence in establishing trust.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples


Tivoli Access Manager: Portal authorization parameters

The following information is used to authenticate with TAM.


    • Description

      This value is the root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. All Portal roles will be installed under this objectspace entry.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      When the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin is started, it will detect and, if necessary, create a custom action in Tivoli Access Manager. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      When the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin is started, it will detect and, if necessary, create a custom action group in Tivoli Access Manager. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles.

    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      When Portal externalizes a role, it can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL granting membership to the user doing the role. If you select false, the TAM administrator will be responsible for creating TAM ACLs to allow access to Portal roles.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Tivoli Access Manager: Portal vault parameters

The following information is used to configure a vault for Tivoli Access Manager.


    • Description

      This value is the new vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value defines a properties file used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection information. This file will automatically be created in the wp_profile/shared/app/config sub-directory and populated by the ant task based on previous task execution.

    • Default value

    • Examples



    • Description

      This value determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new resource objects in TAM. If you set this value to false, your Tivoli administrator must define the accessible resources to associate users with using the Tivoli command line or GUI.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples



    • Description

      This value determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the secrets stored in TAM. If you set this value to true ("Read Only"), the Tivoli administrator must change the credentials associated with resources using the Tivoli command line or GUI.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Netegrity SiteMinder: Portal/SiteMinder authorization parameters

The following parameters enables HCL Portal to authenticate wit Netegrity SiteMinder.


    • Description

      This value is the SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized portal resources.

    • Default value

      HCL Portal v80

    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the SiteMinder custom or 4.x web agent created to allow communication between HCL Portal and SiteMinder.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the SiteMinder custom or 4.x agent password.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      An externalized portal resource is assigned to a SiteMinder custom agent for SiteMinder isProtected and isAuthorized calls. In a non-cluster, the agent specified in the parameter is used. However, in a cluster, you must specify a common SiteMinder Agent Group to be assigned to the resource.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the SiteMinder administrator who must have a scope of System because new SiteMinder domains and realms will be created, as well as the realms representing Portal roles and reference to the webagent.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the password for the SiteMinder administrative user.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for Portal users and groups.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is the failover mode for the Siteminder Policy Server. SMFailover must be set to true if more than 1 policy server is listed in the SMServers property (

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available


    • Description

      This value is a comma delimited list of server for the SiteMinder agent. Important: If your Policy Servers are listening on non-default ports (for example: not 44441,44442,44443), you must add the port property for each policy server manually in the file.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

WSRP configuration parameters

  • WsrpContextRoot

    • Description

      Type the context root to use for web services for remote portlets. If you specify wsrp as the context root, the following is an example URL: http://localhost:80/wsrp

    • Default value


    • Examples

      WSRP context root:: /wsrp