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Running DX Core configuration tasks

This topic shows how to run manual Core configuration tasks on your HCL DX 9.5 CF197 and later container deployments.

Running Core Config Engine tasks

In an HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Container deployment using Helm, some DX 9.5 Core configuration tasks such as change of context root are now performed using the Helm upgrade route. However, other tasks such as database migration are performed using a Config Engine task, as they would be in an on-premise or hybrid environment.

Steps to run a Config Engine task:

  1. Open a shell on a DX Core pod.

    The following example instructions use pod ‘0’ as it should always be available:

    kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <deployment-name>-core-0 -c core -- /bin/bash
  2. Run the config engine command using the wrapper script.

    This script pauses the Kubernetes probes when a Configuration task is in progress. This prevents any unintended restarts of the Pod.

    On the Core pod, use the following command to run the config engine command:

    Follow the instructions for the particular configuration task that you need to perform. See DB Transfer Config Engine task for an example.

    /opt/HCL/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/ <Config Engine Task Command>

    After the Config Engine task is completed, you can close the shell on the Core pod:


  3. (Optional) Restart other Core pods.

    If you have multiple Core pods running and if the configuration task you performed requires a server restart, you must restart all the Core pods for the changes to take full effect.

    To do this, run the following command:

    kubectl -n <namespace> rollout restart sts <deployment-name>-core

    Or you can execute the DXClient restart-core-pods command.

Pausing Probes

If you have to pause the Kubernetes probes without running a Configuration Task, refer to the following steps.

  1. Open a shell on a DX Core pod.

    The following example instructions use pod ‘0’ as it should always be available:

    kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <deployment-name>-core-0 -c core -- /bin/bash
  2. Create the semaphore file. This pauses the Kubernetes probes.

    touch /opt/app/configInProgress

  3. To resume the Kubernetes probes, remove the semaphore file.

    rm -f /opt/app/configInProgress