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Build and Deploy the DX Module and All ScriptApps

  1. Build and deploy the DX Module and All ScriptApps with the following command. Change the {username} and {password} with the proper admin credentials.

Uploads via DXClient

./gradlew deployAll -DdxUsername={username} -DdxPassword={password}
gradlew.bat deployAll -DdxUsername={username} -DdxPassword={password}

Sample successful deployAll log:

 > Task :deployDxModule
 cd build/libs/
 dxclient deploy-application --dxUsername **** --dxPassword **** --dxConnectUsername **** --dxConnectPassword **** --applicationFile ReactNReactDOMv18r2.ear --applicationName ReactNReactDOMv18r2 --dxProtocol https --hostname localhost --dxPort 10041 --dxProfileName wp_profile
 > Task :deployAllScriptApps
  Task deployAllScriptApps Done

 > Task :deployAll
  Task deployAll Done

2. In case of errors, check the details in the DXClient logs in the:

- DX Module: DxModule/build/libs/store/logs/logger.log
- 1st ScriptApp: <ScriptApp01>/store/logs/logger.log
- 2nd ScriptApp: <ScriptApp02>/store/logs/logger.log


  • Please read the Important Things to Note.
  • Verify and link the DX Module to a DX Theme. Follow this guide.
  • Prepare your target DX page that will host the Script Application. Follow this guide.
  • Add the Script Application into the target DX page. Follow this guide.
    • Sample: EducSampleScriptApp4A (from wcmContentName in /package.json)
    • Sample: EducSampleScriptApp4B (from wcmContentName in /package.json)