The update keyword tool
Use the update keyword tool to add a keyword to the profile settings on multiple web content items.
Running the update keyword tool
- Open a command prompt.
Run the following command from the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory:
ConfigEngine.bat update-wcm-content-template-keywords -DPortalAdminId=username -DPortalAdminPwd=password -Dlibrary=libraryName -Dkeyword=yourkeyword
UNIX™ and Linux™
./ update-wcm-content-template-keywords -DPortalAdminId=username -DPortalAdminPwd=password -Dlibrary=libraryName -Dkeyword=yourkeyword
An administrator user name and password is not required if the portal administrator user name and password are specified in the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the file.
Running the update keyword tool for all libraries
You can run the tool on all libraries by replacing the option -Dlibrary=libraryName
with the option -DallLibraries=true
in the command. If neither option is specified, the keyword tool is processed for all libraries
Restricting the tool to update only specified items types
You can restrict which objects types are processed by appending -DrestrictOn=ItemType
to the command. For example:
- Content
- Folder
- Project
- PresentationTemplate
- AuthoringTemplate
- ContentTemplate
- SiteAreaTemplate
- Taxonomy
- Category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
If not specified, the security of all object types is updated.
Running the tool on a virtual portal
When you run this tool on a virtual portal, you must add either -DVirtualPortalHostName=name
or -DVirtualPortalContext=virtual_portal_context
to the command.
Defining the session timeout
To prevent your session from timing out before the tool finishes, you can append the option -DsessionTimeOut=timeOut
to the command. This parameter sets the number of seconds in which the tool must complete before its session will timeout. The default session timeout is 14,440 seconds, which is 4 hours. For large repositories, increase this setting. For example: -DsessionTimeOut=36000
, which is 10 hours.