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Web Content Manager pre-rendering service

The HCL Web Content Manager pre-rendering service (WCM PrerenderService) defines settings that affect how websites are pre-rendered.


    Indicates whether prererendering supports JSP and PZN requests.

    Default value: false

  • prerender.authenticator.classname

    Indicates the authenticator used to make a connection to the default login URL for the portal, when an external security manager is not installed.

    Default value: com.aptrix.cacher.authentication.WCMDefaultPrerenderAutthenticator

  • prerender.authenticator.credentials.classname

    The credentials used by the authenticator specified by the prerender.authenticator.classname property.

    Default value: com.aptrix.cacher.authentication.DefaultPrerenderPropertiesCredentials

  • prerender.default.authenticator.credentials.username

    Indicates the user name used by the DefaultPrerenderPropertiesCredentials authenticator. If you are using a custom credential provider, this property is not required.

    Default value: portal\_admin\_id

  • prerender.default.authenticator.credentials.password

    Indicates the password used by the DefaultPrerenderPropertiesCredentials authenticator. If you are using a custom credential provider, this property is not required. The password can be encoded using the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility provided with WebSphere® Application Server.

    Default value: portal\_admin\_password

  • prerender.default.isSecure

    Indicates whether the server URLs should be formatted with secure HTTP (https://...) or unsecured HTTP (http://...).

    Default value: false

  • prerender.default.hostName

    The host name of the server performing prerendering. The value is typically represented as a WebSphere® Application Server variable (for example, ${WCM_HOST}).

    Default value: ${WCM_HOST}

  • prerender.default.hostPort

    The port number for server performing prerendering. The value is typically represented as a WebSphere® Application Server variable (for example, ${WCM_PORT}).

    Default value: ${WCM_PORT}

  • prerender.default.portalContext

    The context root for the HCL Web Content Manager web application (for example, /wps/wcm). The value is typically represented as a WebSphere® Application Server variable (for example, ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT}).

    Default value: ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT}

  • prerender.default.portal.servlet.authenticatedContext

    The authenticated context root for the portal (for example, /myportal). The value is typically represented as a WebSphere® Application Server variable (for example, ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT}/${WCM_WPS_PERSONALIZED_HOME}).


  • prerender.default.portal.servlet.unauthenticatedContext

    The unauthenticated context root for the portal (for example, /portal). The value is typically represented as a WebSphere® Application Server variable (for example, ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT}/${WCM_WPS_DEFAULT_HOME}).


  • prerender.default.wcm.servlet.authenticatedContext

    The default secured path to the HCL Web Content Manager servlet.

    Default value: ${WCM_CONTEXT_ROOT}/myconnect

  • prerender.default.wcm.servlet.unauthenticatedContext

    The default unsecured path to the HCL Web Content Manager servlet.

    Default value: ${WCM_CONTEXT_ROOT}/connect