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Setting scoped configuration settings for virtual portals

Web Content Manager configuration settings can be scoped for individual virtual portals.

  1. Log in to the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.

  2. Click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers > WCM WCMConfigService > Custom properties.

    Cluster note: If you are using this web content server as part of a cluster, ensure that you use the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console for the deployment manager when you edit configuration properties.

  3. Add a configuration setting for each virtual portal that requires unique configuration settings. You can set this setting for either the host name or context path:

    • Host name:

    • Context path:

  4. To add a scoped configuration setting for a virtual portal, use this format:


    This setting overrides the property key in the virtual portal that is specified in the unique name.

  5. Restart the server or cluster.

Base override settings

If your virtual portal was named "yellowportal", you might create a scoped configuration for it using this format.


The default value for the deployment subscriber is "false": deployment.subscriberOnly=false

You can override this value for the "yellowportal" virtual portal and change it to "true" by using this configuration parameter: deployment.subscriberOnly.vp.yellow=true

If the base configuration for a setting is different from all the virtual portals, it is more efficient to use a base override setting. To do this, add this setting: enable.base.portal.overrides=true

To add a setting just for the base portal, add ".base" to the end of the parameter name.

For example, if you use the default setting deployment.subscriberOnly=true, you can add another setting that is named deployment.subscriberOnly.base=false that is applied to the base portal only. All the virtual portals use the default value of deployment.subscriberOnly=true.

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