Creating pages with page templates

From site manager, you can create pages based on templates and see your draft pages in context of the site navigation. Page creation is as simple as providing a name, using the generated friendly URL name, and selecting your template.

Learn more about creating a page with page templates through an example.

You work for Greenwheels travel. You want to add a child page to the Family Travel landing page that contains articles about different trips and tours that families might want to learn more about before planning their next vacation.

Before you create your child page, you select the Family Vacations project from the project menu to enter that project. You plan to add all updates to the Family Travel section to the Family Vacations project.

Two screen shots show site manager before and after the creation of a new page. The first image shows the Family Travel page and its parent pages, with a note that the goal is to add a child page to the Family Travel page. The second image shows the new page Travel Articles as a child of the Family Travel page. The result notes that a new child page was created from a template.

  1. Turn on Edit Mode from the action bar. Site manager opens automatically.

  2. To add a child or sibling page to an existing page, click the page in site manager and click the context menu icon Screen capture of the context menu. Click one of the following menu options to create a page:

    • To create a child page, click Create Child Page.
    • To create a sibling page, click Create Sibling Page.


    If you create the page in the wrong place, you can move it later by using the context menu icon Screen capture of the context menu for the page.

    In this example, you click the context menu for Family Travel. Your goal is to create a child page named Travel Articles.

  3. From the Create Page dialog, specify a Page title and Friendly URL.

    In this example, you enter Travel Articles in the Page title field. As you type your page name, the Friendly URL name field is pre-filled for you based on your page title.

  4. Select a template for your page. To find a template that matches your goal, hover over each template name and click Show Details to learn more about what is provided with the template.

    Based on the description that displays, you click the Articles template.

  5. Click Create Page.

  6. From site manager, you click the Travel Articles page that you created from the Articles template. The Articles template includes content by default. Content items are represented in site manager in the site navigation.

    Screen capture of content items that display in site manager when you use the Articles template to create your page. The Show content items in the tree view icon is activated and highlighted, so content items are listed in the site manager tree view. Content items are not listed in the tree view by default.

    You can edit the default content items by clicking the context menu icon Screen capture of the context menu for one of the content items and then clicking Open Content Form.

  7. After you create a page, you can edit the page information, change the layout, or add page components and applications to the page. You can also create more content for the Travel Articles page by clicking the context menu icon Screen capture of the context menu and then clicking Create Content.