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Viewing your content from the content explorer

The tree view in site manager does not always provide you with a complete view of the content items on a page. In contrast, the content explorer in site manager provides you with a list of content items, site areas, and associated content for a selected page. From the content explorer, you can select an item from the list and click the context menu to see options for working with your content.


Applications that you add to a page do not display in the content explorer.

Accessing the content explorer from site manager

  1. Turn on Edit Mode from the action bar. Site manager opens automatically.

  2. Click the context menu icon Screen capture of the context menu for a page, then click Open Content Explorer.

Content explorer

Screen capture of the content explorer

  1. Content path

    The content explorer provides the content path for your page in the web content library.

  2. Content items are listed in the content explorer

    Content authors can see published content items in the tree view and from the content explorer.

    When you create draft content in a project, you can view draft content items in the tree view of site manager and from the content explorer. If you create draft content outside of a project, you can view your draft content only from the content explorer.

  3. Context menu

    The content explorer provides you with more than just a view of your content items on a page. For example, you can add content to a page, copy content, move content, paste content, open the content form, and delete content. The options that display in the context menu depend on the item that is selected in the content explorer.

    To work with an item listed in the content explorer, select an item in the content explorer, and click the context menu icon Screen capture of the context menu to see a list of available options.

  4. Site areas are listed in the content explorer

    You might have content on your page that is stored in a site area. Site areas are just folders that organize content in a web content library. From the content explorer, you can click the site area name to see the content items that are stored in the site area.

    Content authors cannot see content items that are contained in site areas from the tree view of site manager. The content explorer includes a view of the content items that are contained in a site area for the content author.

  5. Associated content

    Your page might be associated with alternative content that is stored in different libraries and site areas. You can view other content that is associated with your page from the Associated Content drop-down menu.

    Associated content makes it easier for content authors to access content that is stored in other libraries without having to go to the Web Content Authoring portlet. For example, you might want to view content on a page in another language. You might have a version of your content items that are stored in a separate library for each language, which you can access by viewing associated content.

  6. Narrow the scope of items that you view in the content explorer

    You can filter and sort your content in content explorer to display content items on the page in a way that is more useful to you. For example, you might want to see only draft content for your page in the content explorer. You can filter your view by draft or published status.

  7. Associated content on your page
    Web content associations combine portal pages with content that is stored in web content libraries. The content explorer provides you with a quick way to see your content associations, manage these associations, and switch content associations.