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Hiding content

You can hide portlets and widgets on a page so they are present but not visible in the page layout.

Why Hide Content?

Sometimes you might want a portlet or widget on the page, but it does not have a user interface. In that case, it should be hidden. An example is if you have a data processing widget and a data viewer widget that are wired together. The data viewer widget is visible and the data processing widget would stay hidden.

In the portal theme, hide content by putting it into a special container in the layout that is hidden with CSS. All of the out of box layout templates have this hidden container.

  1. View hidden content

    1. Turn on Edit Mode from the action bar. Site Manager opens automatically.

    2. Click Advanced Mode.

    3. Click Show hidden content container on pages.


    The hidden container displays on the page, along with any content or applications that were hidden.

  2. How to hide content.

    There are two ways to hide a piece of content:

    Use the Portlet Actions menu:

    1. View the hidden content as described in step 1.

    2. Click the drop-down menu icon in the portlet or widget.

    3. Click Hide.

    4. Click Save Draft to save the page.

    Use drag option:

    1. View the hidden content as described in step 1.

    2. Drag the portlet or widget into the hidden container that appeared in step a.

    3. Click Save Draft to save the page.

  3. How to unhide content

    There are two ways to display a piece of content:

    Use the Portlet Actions menu:

    1. View the hidden content as described in step 1.

    2. Click the drop-down menu icon in the hidden portlet or widget.

    3. Click Move Down.

    4. Click Save Draft to save the page.

    Use drag option:

    1. View the hidden content as described in step 1.

    2. Drag the portlet or widget out of the hidden container.

    3. Click Save Draft to save the page.