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Enabling and disabling segments in the Add Segments view

You can customize the Add Segments view so that you see only segments, only managed segments, or both segments and managed segments.

By default, both segments and managed segments are enabled in the Add Segments view.

  1. To disable segments, open the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/config/config/services/ file and set contenttargeting.hideSegments to true.

  2. To disable managed segments, open the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/config/config/services/ file and set contenttargeting.hideManagedSegments to true.


    If you are using a clustered environment, you must open the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/config/config/services/ file and set contenttargeting.hideManagedSegments to true for all nodes.

  3. Restart the Portal server(s) to apply your changes.