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Creating project templates

Projects help content authors group and manage changes across the website. As a site administrator, you can create templates for your authors to use.

Project templates include the recommended workflow and publish options. Selecting a predefined project saves the content author time as they work on the website. It also enables you to suggest or enforce workflow and approvers for content changes. To create a project template, access the Web Content Authoring portlet.

Content authors can create project templates from the Projects tab. Project templates that are created from the site toolbar are named by using the following convention: "Template from project name"

More information about creating the project templates is available in the help system.

  1. From the Applications menu, click Content.

  2. Click Web Content Authoring.

  3. Click New > Project Template.

The project template appears in the list of available templates in the Projects tab of the toolbar.

Setting a default project template: To set a default project template to be used when new projects are created, select a project template in the library explorer view, and then click More > Set as Default. To clear the default template, click More > Clear Default. This setting is scoped to the virtual portal if managed pages are enabled.