Website building blocks

Unless you are familiar with the HCL Digital Experience and HCL Web Content Manager website model, review the building blocks. Building blocks are the different parts that make up the website framework, such as pages, navigation, themes, content, content libraries, and more.

  • Themes, profiles, and skins
    The theme controls the presentation layer of your website. The theme profile contains modules and controls which modules load per page. A skin surrounds the portlet on a page.
  • Pages
    A page is an organization element that contains portlets. Since version 8.0, pages are stored in the Portal Site web content library and managed by HCL Web Content Manager. Pages are stored as content in the library. By managing portal pages from within Web Content Manager, you can apply features like workflow, version control, and syndication to portal pages.
  • Portlets
    Portlets are small applications that are independently developed, deployed, managed, and displayed. After the portlet is deployed, you can use it multiple times on different pages.
  • Content
    Rich content and elegant user experiences drive the success of websites. Each digital experience consists of many different types of content from many various sources.