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Site Content

Rich content and elegant user experiences drive the success of websites. Each Digital Experience (DX) consists of many different types of content from many various sources.

In the example wireframe, content is highlighted. Depending on your point of view, all of the information in the page could be considered content. The highlighted article is the most obvious example of content. The content and associated presentation template is rendered through a portlet.

Wireframe with content highlighted

  • Content stored in Web Content Manager
    Use Web Content Manager to store and manage content. Web Content Manager separates the content from the presentation layer. Content authors enter information in authoring templates. The authoring template is then associated with a presentation template. The presentation template defines how the content is rendered and presented to the site visitor. As a result, you can rapidly change the look and feel of your content without editing the same elements repeatedly. Use the Web Content Viewer Portlet to render content from Web Content Manager.
  • External content
    Many capabilities are included to retrieve content from external sources. You can use Web Content Integrator, REST services for HCL Web Content Manager, Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL DX, specialized portlets, WSRP, and other mechanisms to retrieve and render content from sources outside your digital experience.
  • Social Content
    Integrating social content into your digital experiences adds to the rich user experience. Capabilities such as community pages and HCL Connections portlets make that integration possible.