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How to configure Practitioner Studio

Learn how to show Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio themes, and Administration changes in a newly created virtual Portal.

Administrator users can configure the Virtual Portal Manager portlet so Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio themes and Administration changes show in newly created virtual Portals.

Configuring Virtual Portal Manager so that newly created virtual Portals contain Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio


Prerequisite is to enable the 9.5 features on the base Portal. Optionally, you can configure the Virtual Portal Manager portlet to use a different XML file so that subsequent virtual portals will contain the new 95 UI features.

  1. From Site Management, navigate to Virtual Portal > Virtual Portal Manager > Create New Virtual Portal.
  2. Go to the overlay menu (the three vertical dots) and click Configure.
  3. In the field XML script to create virtual portal content tree, enter the appropriate value. For example:
  4. Click OK.


This does not create the two Woodburn Studio libraries in the virtual portal. You will need to syndicate these libraries to your virtual portal.

Removing Practitioner Studio or Woodburn Studio from a virtual portal that was created by modifying the Virtual Portal Manager configuration

  • Virtual portals that were created by modifying the Virtual Portal Manager portlet configuration can not use the disable-v95-UI-features-virtual-portal task to disable the features. These will require a manual cleanup of the artifacts.