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How to enable Practitioner Studio

This section outlines how to enable Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio in both base portal and virtual portal environments.

Enabling Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio in base portal


It is not necessary to stop or restart Portal when running these configuration tasks. Please note that in order for you to deploy Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio to a virtual portal, you must first enable the 95 UI features in base Portal.

  1. Open a command line.
  2. Change to the wp_profile-root/ConfigEngine directory.
  3. Run the enable-v95-UI-features config task.

    • AIX: ./ enable-v95-UI-features -DWasPassword=<WAS admin password> -DPortalAdminPwd=<Portal admin password>
    • Linux: ./ enable-v95-UI-features -DWasPassword=<WAS admin password> -DPortalAdminPwd=<Portal admin password>
    • Windows: ConfigEngine.bat enable-v95-UI-features -DWasPassword=<WAS admin password> -DPortalAdminPwd=<Portal admin password>


    Any actions taken when using the Preview As User feature in DAM and CC shows the site as the original user, not the one that you are using to preview.

Enabling Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio in an existing virtual portal

  1. Open a command line.
  2. Change to the wp_profile-root/ConfigEngine directory.
  3. Run the enable-v95-UI-features-virtual-portal config task.

    • AIX: ./ enable-v95-UI-features-virtual-portal -DWasPassword=<WAS admin password> -DPortalAdminPwd=<Portal admin password> -DVirtualPortalContext=
    • Linux: ./ enable-v95-UI-features-virtual-portal -DWasPassword=<WAS admin password> -DPortalAdminPwd=<Portal admin password> -DVirtualPortalContext=
    • Windows: ConfigEngine.bat enable-v95-UI-features-virtual-portal -DWasPassword=<WAS admin password> -DPortalAdminPwd=<Portal admin password> -DVirtualPortalContext=


    • To configure the virtual Portal Manager so that Practitioner Studio is deployed for the newly created virtual portals, see How to configure Practitioner Studio.

    • To enable Practitioner Studio and Woodburn Studio on all available Virtual Portals, you can use the following parameter: -DUpdateVPs=true

    • If -DVirtualPortalContext= has a space in the context name, please add quotes around the name of the context.

Enabling HCL DX site to be seen in SiteMap

Enabling Practitioner Studio via the enable task has the following effect to your previous view: The Administration pages will be disabled, the Home pages will be excluded from the SiteMap, and first-level navigation drop downs in the toolbar and Practitioner Studio.

Follow the steps to enable your site to be seen in SiteMap:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Managed Pages.
  2. Click Edit Page Properties for your home page.
  3. Expand Advanced Options and then click I want to set parameters.
  4. Create a new parameter with value false.
  5. Save, then test.