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How to enable social rendering in a virtual portal

Before you use social rendering in a virtual portal, you must deploy the new web content library and templates. The version and fix pack of your HCL Digital Experience determines how you do so.

Deploying social rendering in a virtual portal

To deploy social rendering in a virtual portal, use the configuration task deploy-social-rendering to enable social rendering in a virtual portal. You must also run this configuration task on the base portal to deploy the Social Lists 1.1 library.

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Change to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory.
  3. Run the following command:

    • AIX®: ./ deploy-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password
    • Linux™: ./ deploy-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password
    • Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat deploy-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password To deploy the Social Lists 1.1 library on a virtual portal, proceed as follows:
  4. Open a command prompt.

  5. Change to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory.
  6. Run the following command:

    • AIX: ./ deploy-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password -DVirtualPortalContext=vp1
    • Linux: ./ deploy-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password -DVirtualPortalContext=vp1
    • Windows: ConfigEngine.bat deploy-social-rendering -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password -DVirtualPortalContext=vp1


    The sample that is given here uses only the VirtualPortalContext parameter to identify the virtual portal by its context. Virtual portals with a unique host name assigned can be identified by using the VirtualPortalHostName parameter.

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