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File type mappings reference

The social lists show specific icons for the different file and service types in the result lists. You can modify the file type mappings that are used for displaying these icons. For your reference, these mappings are listed here.

  • audio

    .aac, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .au, .kar, .m3u, .m4a, .mid, .midi, .mp3, .mpga, .ra, .ram, .rm, .rmi, .rpm, .snd, .wav, .wma

  • code

    .asp, .axs, .css, .htc, .htm, .html, .js, .jsp, .php, .sct, .stm, .wml, .xml, .xsl

  • compressed

    .cab, .dmg, .gtar, .gz, .jar, .rar, .sit, .sqx, .tar, .taz, .tgz, .z, .zip

  • contact

    .crd, .vcard, .vcf, .vcrd

  • data

    .123, .12m, .acs, .csv, .dbs, .dez, .ens, .fcd, .fcs, .mwkd, .mwks, .odf, .ods, .oss, .otf, .ots, .qad, .smd, .sms, .stc, .sxc, .sxm, .wg2, .wk4, .wk6, .xla,.xlam,.xlc,.xlm,.xls,.xlsb,.xlsm,.xlsx,.xlt,.xltm,.xltx,.xlw

  • flash

    .swf, .fla

  • graphic

    .bmp, .cgm, .cmx, .cod, .djv, .djvu, .drw, .dxf, .eshr, .gif, .hgs, .ico, .ief, .img, .jfif, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, .odi, .oti, .pbm, .pcx, .pgl, .pgm, .pic, .pict, .png, .pnm, .pntg, .ppm, .psd, .psp6, .ras, .rgb, .sdw, .svg, .svgz, .tga, .tif, .tif6, .tiff, .wbmp, .wpg, .xbm, .xpm, .xwd

  • pdf

    .ai, .eps, .ich, .ich6, .iwp, .pdf, .ps

  • presentation

    .flw, .key, .mass, .odp, .ope, .otc, .otp, .pot, .potm, .potx, .pp2, .pp97, .ppam, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx, .prz, .shw3, .sti, .sxi

  • text

    .323, .asc, .bas, .c, .etx, .h, .jw, .log, .mcw, .msg, .ow, .pfs, .qa, .sow, .text, .tsv, .tw, .txt, .uls, .vw3, .ws, .xy

  • video

    .asf, .asr, .asx, .avi, .divx, .flv, .lsf, .lsx, .mov, .movie, .mp2, .mp4, .mpa, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpv2, .qt, .svi, .wmv

  • wordProcessing

    .doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .en4, .enw, .leg, .lwp, .lwp7, .manu, .msw, .mwp, .mwp2, .mwpf, .odc, .odg, .odt, .ort, .otg, .oth, .otm, .ott, .pages, .pcl, .rtf, .rtx, .std, .stw, .sxd, .sxq, .sxw, .w6, .w97, .wm, .wp5, .wp6, .wpf

The following types and services have no default mappings:

  • dataDocs
  • folder
  • folderOpen
  • link
  • page
  • presentationDocs
  • visualization
  • wordProcessingDocs