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Profiles and profiles connections profiles

These profiles provide access to HCL Connections profile related feed data.

Profiles profile

The profiles profile provides access to HCL Connections profile feed data. It declares the following attribute names:

  • Assistant's IDassistantID

    This attribute specifies the internal ID of the assistant of the user who represented by this profile.

  • Assistant's profile URLassistantLink

    This attribute specifies the URL of the user profile that represents the assistant of the user who is represented by this profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL Portal plug-in.

  • Assistant's nameassistantName

    This attribute specifies the name of the assistant of the user who is represented by this profile.

  • Blog URLblogURL

    This attribute specifies the URL of the current profile.

  • Buildingbuilding

    This attribute specifies the building identifier for this profile.

  • Emailemail

    This attribute specifies the email address of this profile.

  • Alternate emailemailAlternate

    This attribute specifies the alternate email address of this profile.

  • Fax numberfaxNumber

    This attribute specifies the FAX number of this profile.

  • Floorfloor

    This attribute specifies the floor identifier for this profile.

  • IDid

    The unique identifier for this profile.

  • Image URLimageLink

    This attribute specifies the URL of the photo of this profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Is activeisActive

    This attribute indicates whether the user represented by this profile is currently available.

  • Is managerisManager

    If the user represented by this profile is a manager, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.

  • Job titlejobTitle

    This attribute specifies the job title of this profile.

  • UID of the manager of this usermanagerUID

    This attribute specifies the UID of the profile that represents this user's manager.

  • Namename

    This attribute specifies the name of this profile.

  • Office numberofficeNumber

    This attribute specifies the office number of this profile.

  • Organization unitorganizationUnit

    This attribute specifies the organization unit identifier of this profile.

  • Pager numberpagerNumber

    This attribute specifies the pager number of this profile.

  • Assistant's profile URLportalAssistantLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL of the user profile that represents the assistant of the user who is represented by this profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Portal image URLportalImageLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL of the photo of this profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Portal VCard URLportalVCardLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL of the VCard that describes this user profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Profile keyprofileKey

    This attribute specifies the key of this profile.

  • Profile typeprofileType

    This attribute specifies the profile type of this profile.

  • Raw assistant's entry URLrawAssistantEntryLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the user profile entry that represents the assistant of the user who is represented by this profile.

  • Raw assistant's URLrawAssistantLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the user profile that represents the assistant of the user who is represented by this profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Raw Atom entry URLrawEntryLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the Atom entry that represents this profile.

  • Raw image URLrawImageLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the photo of this profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Raw view URLrawLink

    This attribute specifies the URL of the details view of this profile on the HCL Connections server.

  • Raw profile type URLrawProfileTypeLink

    This attribute specifies the URL of the profile type resource that is associated with this profile.

  • Raw pronunciation URLrawPronunciationLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the pronunciation resource of this profile.

  • Raw VCard URLrawVCardLink

    This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the VCard resource that is associated with this profile.

  • Summarysummary

    This attribute specifies the summary information for this profile.

  • Tagstags

    This attribute specifies the tags that are associated with this item.

  • Phone number IPtelephoneNumberIP

    This attribute specifies the IP phone number of this profile.

  • Phone number mobiletelephoneNumberMobile

    This attribute specifies the mobile phone number of this profile.

  • Phone number officetelephoneNumberOffice

    This attribute specifies the office phone number of this profile.

  • Titletitle

    The display name of this profile.

  • Updated dateupdated

    This attribute indicates the time of the last update of this profile. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.

  • User's IDuserID

    This attribute specifies the internal ID of this profile.

  • Raw user network connection linkrawUserNetworkConnectionLink

    This attribute specifies the URL to the user network connection entry that contains data about whether the current user and the selected user are colleagues. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • User network statususerNetworkStatus

    This attribute specifies the status of the connection between the current user and a selected user. This attribute can take the following values:

    • accepted

      This value means that the logged in user accepted an invitation.

    • pending

      This value means that the logged in user can accept an invitation.

    • unconfirmed

      This value means that the invited user did not yet accept the invitation of the current user.

  • User's UIDuserUID

    This attribute specifies the UID of this profile.

  • VCard URLvCardLink

    This attribute specifies the URL of the VCard that describes this user profile. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Organization codexOrganizationCode

    This attribute specifies the organization code of this profile.

In addition to these attributes, the profiles profile also provides access to the following list properties:

  • Raw tags link rawTagsLink

    This list property specifies the URL of the Atom feed that represents the tags for this list of profiles.

  • Raw colleague link rawColleagueLink

    This list property specifies the URL of the Atom feed that represents the colleagues for the user that is represented by the current feed.

Profiles connections profile

The profiles connections profile provides access to HCL Connections profiles connections feed data. It declares the following attribute names:

  • Author's email addressauthorEmail

    This attribute references the email address of the author of the social object.

  • Author's IDauthorID

    This attribute references the internal ID of the author of the social object. It represents the author ID from the HCL Connections server where the social object is stored.

  • Author's image URLauthorImageLink

    This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image either directly from HCL Connections or by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Author's nameauthorName

    You can use this attribute to include the name of the author of the social object in the design of a social list.

  • Author's object IDauthorObjectID

    This attribute references the serialized object ID of the author of the social object. In contrast to the authorID attribute, the authorObjectID attribute represents an ID that is used by HCL Portal rather than by HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Author's UIDauthorUID

    This attribute specifies the value of the UID attribute of the author of the social object. This value reflects the UID user attribute as defined by the user repository of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Body HTMLbody HTML

    The HTML content of this item.

  • Body plainbody plain

    The plain content of this item.

  • Body content typebodyContentType

    This attribute specifies the content type identifier for the body attribute of this item.

  • Is connection pendingconnectionIsPending

    If this profile connection is pending, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.

  • Connection messageconnectionMessage

    This attribute specifies the connection request message.

  • Connection statusconnectionStatus

    This attribute specifies the status information of this profile connection.

  • Connection typeconnectionType

    This attribute specifies the type information of this profile connection.

  • Feed entryentry

    The original feed entry of this item.

  • IDid

    The unique identifier for this item.

  • Author's portal image URLportalAuthorImageLink

    This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Author's portal URLportalAuthorLink

    This attribute specifies the link for rendering the details view of the author of this item in the context of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Published datepublished

    This attribute indicates the time when the social object was published. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.

  • Author's raw Atom entry URLrawAuthorEntryLink

    Link to the Atom entry that represents the author of this item. This URL directly addresses the HCL Connections server. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Author's raw image URLrawAuthorImageLink

    This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL for downloading the image directly from HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.

  • Raw edit URLrawEditLink

    This attribute specifies the URL of the editable resource that represents this profile connection.

  • Raw Atom entry URLrawEntryLink

    This attribute represents the HCL Connections link to the Atom resource that represents this social object. This attribute contains a URL where you can access the feed directly from HCL Connections. To retrieve the feed from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal, use the portalEntryLink attribute instead.

  • Summarysummary

    A summary of the content of this item.

  • Titletitle

    The title of this item.

  • Updated dateupdated

    This attribute indicates the time of the last update of the social object. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.

In addition to these attributes, the profiles connections profile also provides access to the following list properties:

  • Updated dateupdated

    This list property indicates the time of the last update of the list that is represented by the feed at hand. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.

  • Raw URL to this feedselfLink

    This list property specifies the link to this feed.

  • Feed titletitle

    This list property specifies the link to this feed.

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