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CSS classes for tagging and rating

The portal tag and rating widgets allow for detailed look and feel customization by providing a customizable CSS class hierarchy.

Each widget has a set of tagging and rating specific CSS classes assigned to it. This allows administrators to customize either the complete set or a subset of the tag and rating widgets, or individual tag and rating widgets. To do this, the administrator modifies the CSS class or classes for the widget that needs to be customized. For details refer to the information in the following tables.

Widget name Tagging and rating CSS class assigned to the widget
TagCloud trc trcTagCloud
AddTag dialog trc trcTagging  trcDialog trcDialogTagging
AddRating dialog trc trcRating   trcDialog trcDialogRating
InlineTag trc trcTagging  trcInline trcInlineTagging
InlineRating trc trcRating   trcInline trcInlineRating
Group name CSS class that needs to be modified to customize the given group of widgets
All tag and rating widgets trc
All tag widgets trcTagging
All rating widgets trcRating
All dialog based widgets trcDialog
All inline widgets trcInline
Widget name CSS class that needs to be modified to customize the given widget
TagCloud widget trcTagCloud
AddTag dialog widget trcDialogTagging
AddRating dialog widget trcDialogRating
InlineTag widget trcInlineTagging
InlineRating widget trcInlineRating

Hierarchy of CSS classes

The following list shows all available tagging and rating CSS classes that can be used for customizing the appearance of tag and rating widgets in the order of significance. The list shows the CSS classes in the order of their significance from low to high. More significant CSS classes shown further down in the list override definitions of the less significant CSS classes shown further up in the list.

  1. trc
  2. trcTagging
  3. trcRating
  4. trcDialog
  5. trcDialogTagging
  6. trcDialogRating
  7. trcInline
  8. trcInlineTagging
  9. trcInlineRating

Administrators can override each CSS class that is used by the widget by adding customized CSS classes of the following format in file widgets_combined.css:

.trc <CSS classname to override> {
     // custom CSS definitions for tag and rating widgets in general

.trcTagging <CSS classname to override> {
    // custom CSS definitions for all tag widgets

.trcTagCloud <CSS classname to override> {
   // custom CSS definitions for the Tag Cloud widget only

Customizing tagging and rating specific CSS classes

The CSS classes used to customize the visual appearance of the tag and rating widgets are located in the following files:



These files contain CSS classes specific to tagging and rating. They either start with the prefix trc, for example trc Editable or trc Delete or they are otherwise scoped to the tagging and rating context, for example ul.trcEdit. To customize the visual appearance of tag and rating widgets, you override these definitions in the CSS file. To do this, you add class definitions at the end of the file trcWidgets.css based on the CSS class hierarchy given by the Hierarchy of CSS classes list.

Examples: To change the link color for all tag and rating widgets to green, use the following CSS class declaration in the file trcWidgets.css :

.trc a {
    color: green;

If you do this, all tag and rating widgets show their links in a green color.

To change only the link color for the Tag Cloud to red, use the following CSS class declaration:

.trcTagCloud a {
    color: red;

A more specific declaration overrides a less specific declaration. Therefore you can have both declarations in the file trcWidgets.css at the same time. While the Tag Cloud shows its links in red, all other tag and rating widgets continue to show their links in green.

The following example shows how you can modify link appearance within all the available tag and rating widgets. It shows how to inherit from less significant CSS class definitions and how to overwrite inherited definitions to further customize a specific widget instance:

/* Give all links within tag and rating widgets a default background */
.trc a {
   background-color: #d0efff;

/* Make tagcloud links appear in a black color */
.trcTagCloud a {
  color: black;

/* Give all tag widgets a blue link color */
.trcTagging a {
  color: blue;

/* Give all rating widgets a green link color */
.trcRating a {
  color: green;

/* Links in all dialog widgets appear in italic,
   colors are inherited from trcRating/trcTagging */
.trcDialog a {
  font-style: italic;

/* Links in all inline widgets appear as underlined,
   colors are inherited from trcRating/trcTagging */
.trcInline a {
  font-style: underline;

/* links in Tag Widget Dialog inherit italic font-style from .trcDialog,
   but overwrite the color inherited from .trcTagging with another color */
.trcDialogTagging a {
  color: #770000;

/* links in Rating Widget Dialog keep the inherited link color defined by 
   .trcRating, but change the inherited font-style, by setting it to none */
.trcDialogRating a {
  font-style: none;

/* modify the inherited color (from .trcTagging) and reset the font-style (from
   .trcDialog) to none. */
.trcInlineTagging a {
  color: green;
  font-style: none;

/* no changes for the inline rating widget. It simply uses the color and font-style
   from the super classes .trcRating and .trcInline instead */
.trcInlineRating a {