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Modules that add features to a theme

Theme modules contribute resources, such as JavaScript, CSS and HTML, to a theme or page. The following modules come with the modularized theme and specifically contribute a feature rather than working in the background. The modules can be added to a theme by listing them in the theme's default profile, or to a single page or set of pages.

Portal 8.5 theme

Module name Feature
wp_status_bar Adds a status bar for displaying informational, warning, and error messages to the users.
wp_layout_windowstates Allows portlets to be minimized, maximized, and restored from their menus in the skin.
wp_legacy_layouts Adds responsive layout support for earlier standard portal pages.
wp_liveobject_framework The Live Text Framework allows portlet applications to display text live names and click to action links.

Site toolbar

Module name Feature
wp_toolbar_host Integrates a theme with the toolbar in both view and edit modes, use either wp_toolbar_host or both wp_toolbar_host_view and wp_toolbar_host_edit to add the toolbar to a theme.
wp_toolbar_host_view Integrates the toolbar into a theme for viewing purposes only.
wp_toolbar_host_edit Integrates the toolbar into a theme for editing purposes.
wp_toolbar_ghost Add this module to pages that do not support edit mode to allow interoperability with the toolbar, so if a user navigates from an editable page to one with this module, the toolbar remains open, and the user is able to continue editing.
wp_draft_page_ribbon Adds Draft Page in text that appears along the sides of a page that has a draft in the current project.
Module name Feature
wp_simple_contextmenu_main Adds support for simple menus, and added to the default profile to enable Portlet, Actions, More, and Toolbar navigation menus.
wp_contextmenu_main Adds support for the Component Action menu, which is used for inline editing of content items.
wp_skin_cam Allows the Component Action Menu to be opened by clicking an icon in the portlet skin.

Tagging and rating

Module name Feature
wp_tagging_rating_light Provides all lightweight inline tagging and rating widgets.
wp_tagging_rating_menu Adds the tagging and rating menu items in the Actions and portlet menus.
wp_tagging_rating_tagcloud Provides the widgets in Tag Cloud portlet.


Module name Feature
wp_analytics_aggregator Adds the analytics aggregator
wp_analytics_tags Adds the Sites Promotions... and Analytics Tags... options to the Actions and portlet menus, and inserts the microformats for analytics tags and site promotions into the page.
wp_analytics_overlay_reports Provides analytics overlay reports for portlets and pages.
wp_analytics Provides all analytics features: aggregator, the analytics tags and site promotion function, and the overlay reports.
Module name Feature
wp_searchbar Adds the inline search bar that redirects to the search page to show results.

Web content management

Module name Feature
wcm_inplaceEdit Turns on inline editing for content items that are displayed with the Web Content Viewer portlet.
wp_oob_sample_styles Styles for default web content samples.
wp_federated_documents_picker Allows the insertion of remote content into Web Content Manager elements that contain a rich text field, by using the Insert Link to Remote Document button in the authoring portlet.

Social Rendering

Module name Feature
wp_social_rendering_85 Provides the social rendering feature.

HCL Connections

Module name Feature
wp_ic4_wai_resources Resources to enable HCL Connections 4 integration with Web Application Integrator.

HCL Sametime

Module name Feature
wp_sametime_proxy Enables integration with Sametime using Sametime Proxy Server.

iWidget support

Module name Feature
wp_theme_widget Allows for the rendering of iWidgets on pages.

Web Dock Application

Module name Feature
wp_webdock Provides the web dock application.


Module name Feature
wp_theme_skin_region Provides accessibility support to the portlet skins.
wp_theme_high_contrast Adds support for high contrast mode.


Module name Feature
wp_portal Provides JavaScript configuration objects that contain information about the Portal state to be used by the themes and portlets.
wp_client_main Client-side JavaScript APIs for browser detection, event attachment, object manipulation, and type detection.
wp_client_ext Client-side JavaScript APIs for modules and promises.
wp_client_selector Client-side JavaScript CSS selection engine API.
wp_worklight Adds MobileFirst® function.
wp_one_ui Provides CSS for common elements in Portal. For more information, see the documentation in PortalServer_root\theme\wp.theme.modules\webapp\installedApps\ThemeModules.ear\ThemeModules.war\modules\oneui\v2.1\
wp_one_ui_dijit An extension of One UI that provides styling for dijits, it acts as a Dojo theme. For more information, see Themes and theming.
wp_portlet_css Styles for HCL Administrative portlets.
getting_started_module Adds the default simple module.
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