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Planning for virtual portals

Before you create your virtual portals, review this information for planning purposes. Determine how many virtual portals your business requires, and how and for which purposes you will use them. Based on your decision, plan how you implement and configure your virtual portals.

HCL has tested an installation with 300 virtual portals successfully. The limiting factor is not the absolute number of virtual portals, but the overall number of pages and URL mappings. For more details see the topic about Known limitations for virtual portals.

  • Separating and sharing resources between virtual portals
    Separation between virtual portals is achieved by scoping the portal resources of the virtual portals. Scoping means making portal resources available uniquely and separately to individual virtual portals and their users.
  • Managing the user population for virtual portals
    You have two basic options for the management of user populations for your virtual portals: Virtual Member Manager (VMM) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
  • Virtual portal roles and their capabilities
    A typical virtual portal scenario works with a master administrator and sub-administrators. Assigning access permissions to the users of virtual portals also requires special considerations.
  • Content of a virtual portal
    The content of a newly created virtual portal can vary, depending on the method by which you create the virtual portal. You can change the pre-configured content for virtual portals.
  • Shaping the user experience
    You can improve the user experience that users have with your virtual portals by using human readable URLs, or by using custom themes and skins for your virtual portals.
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